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Robert Leon Tucci
13TH TAC FTR SQDN, 432ND TAC RECON WING, 7TH AF United States Air Force Detroit, Michigan July 29, 1942 to November 12, 1969 ROBERT L TUCCI is on the Wall at Panel W16, Line 68 See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Tucci |
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I haven't had the honor of meeting Captain Robert L. Tucci, but I an honored to have my oldest daughter, Polly, wear his name on her bracelet. With Christmas coming, I wanted to give her a meaningful gift that will last through the years. She has visited "his Wall" in Washington DC and also "his Moving Wall" when it came to Massachusetts. She has touched the names of my friends who are on the Wall and was extremely moved by the experience. I know that she will proudly wear her bracelet and keep his name forever in her heart. I believe that the next time she visits the Wall she will feel a special closeness with this incredibly brave and unselfish man who will, hopefully, come home soon. We will continue to keep him in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you, Captain Robert L. Tucci, we salute you and cannot wait to welcome you home.
Rebecca LaRussa |
I wore his bracelet all through high school and was honored to do so. I often wondered over the years of his fate, it was not until the Wall came to Florida, did I have that answer. The day I left your bracelet with you I felt that I had lost a friend. You will never be forgotten, I will always place a flower for you at the Wall.
Marianne Cassidy |
I found a bracelet with Robert Tucci's name on it. I looked at the internet for a while trying to find someone that I might send it to and never was aware that it meant so much until I read a few things about Captain Tucci. Words will never be able to say how sad this made me and how I wonder about the Captain's life and family. I wish I could find a way to return the bracelet directly to his family. The department of MIA and POW in the Pentagon said to send it to them and they would forward it to his family if they could be found but I don't feel I could trust many people with this wonderful memorial so I still have it. Thank you, Captain Tucci, for your part in making my world a better place.
Susan Bentrup Greeson |
My brother Mike also served with distinction with the US Navy in Vietnam, and flew missions from DaNang during 1971-1972. I was only about 12 years old during this time, but clearly remember to this day wearing the POW bracelet bearing Captain Tucci's name. I remember holding it with honor. Over the years I have unfortunately lost track of the bracelet itself (hopeful to find it again someday so it can rightfully be passed on), but the memory of that bracelet, the name (after all this time) and the sacrifice that Mr. Tucci, my brother - as well as another brother Doug, who maintained aircraft during that time at Andrew AFB - and all others who gave for our country will remain in mine and my family's memories forever. God bless and be proud...
Don Barnowski |
I met Robert in 1966 at Webb AFB, Big Springs, Texas, where I was his first flight instructor. He was a very good student and soloed the T-41A after 10 hours of instruction. I can provide a copy of the Solo Day photo upon request to JNL96@yahoo.com There is a memorial located at the Botanical Gardens in Fort Worth, Texas. I do not know who is responsible for the marker, but it is located on a circular path on the hill at the back of the gardens. It is the only one there..
James Hyde |
I still wear a bracelet that I ordered in the 70's in honor of Robert Tucci. I have often wondered about his family and his life. I pray every day for him, I have worn this bracelet all these years, may God bless his family.
Dale Hunter |
A Note from The Virtual WallOn the night of 11/12 November 1969 Captain Robert L. Tucci, pilot, and Major James E. Dennany, WSO, launched from Udorn RTAFB in F-4D tail number 66-8718 for a strike mission along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. While attacking a truck convoy under observation of a Forward Air Controller, Tucci's F-4 was hit by antiaircraft fire, crashed, and exploded. There was no evidence that the crew escaped the aircraft before ground impact and the crash itself was not survivable. In the absence of proof of death both men were classed as missing in action. Both were promoted while in that status.An annual Air Force review board concluded that all evidence indicated the two had died in the crash, and the Secretary of the Air Force accepted their conclusion with respect to Major Tucci; his status was changed to Killed in Action 12 Nov 1969, Body not Recovered. Denanny was continued in MIA status until 21 June 1978, when the Secretary approved a Presumptive Finding of Death, changing Colonel Dennany's status to Died while Missing, Body not Recovered. As of 27 Oct 2005 their remains have not been repatriated. Major Tucci was on his second tour of duty in Southeast Asia; he had flown 181 missions out of Danang on his first tour. |
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