James Eugene Dennany
United States Air Force
Mattawan, Michigan
March 05, 1935 to June 21, 1978
(Incident Date November 12, 1969)
JAMES E DENNANY is on the Wall at Panel W16, Line 63
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Dennany

James E Dennany
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20 Nov 2005

Major Dennany, I have not had the privilege of meeting you yet, but hope to have that honor one day. My daughter, Chloe', will wear your name on her bracelet this coming Christmas. She is only 14 years old and knows very little of the war in Vietnam. She has been blessed to live with freedom and security because you who were willing to fight for these precious gifts. I want her to look at your name each day and know what an incredible, unselfish sacrifice you made for our entire nation. She will learn that you never had the chance to share the lives of those you left behind. She will know what bravery and valor mean in the truest sense. She will be honored to touch your name on "your Wall" and carry your name and spirit in her heart forever.

We wish you God's peace until you return home once again. Thank you for being so courageous and bearing the burden for all of us. We salute you with the greatest of pride.

"Not for fame or reward,
not for place or for rank,
but in simple obedience to duty,
as they understood it."
Confederate Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery

Rebecca LaRussa

11 Nov 2006

Thank you James, for the freedoms I enjoy today. It was a great honor for me to stand in your stead at the "Michigan remembers run" in September of this year. I wear your bracelet now in your honor. You will never be forgotten. I will say a prayer for you and your survivors tomorrow, in commemoration of the 37 years to the day, of your ultimate sacrifice.

David M. Bailey
30104 North Cobus Drive, Elkhart, In 46514

30 July 2007

From his daughter,
Marie Dennany Lara
E-mail address is not available.

11 Aug 2007

To whoever writes about my Father, know it means a lot to my family. He died for his country. Because of this my Mother and six brothers and sisters lives' were changed. Something like this is healing and God Bless you!

From Jim Dennany Jr.

James E. Dennany Jr.
21610 Aldercy, Humble, Texas 77338

10 Nov 2007

I am a former Marine who, upon returning from Desert Storm, received a POW/MIA bracelet from my brother-in-law who served in Vietnam. I have worn that bracelet proudly for 16 years in honor of the man whose name appears on it. The name of that service man is Col. James E. Dennany, USAF. 11-12-69, Laos. Words cannot describe the emotions that run through my head, during this time of year.

John F. Myszak III
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On the night of 11/12 November 1969 Captain Robert L. Tucci, pilot, and Major James E. Dennany, WSO, launched from Udorn RTAFB in F-4D tail number 66-8718 for a strike mission along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. While attacking a truck convoy under observation of a Forward Air Controller, Tucci's F-4 was hit by antiaircraft fire, crashed, and exploded. There was no evidence that the crew escaped the aircraft before ground impact and the crash itself was not survivable. In the absence of proof of death both men were classed as missing in action. Both were promoted while in that status.

An annual Air Force review board concluded that all evidence indicated the two had died in the crash, and the Secretary of the Air Force accepted their conclusion with respect to Major Tucci; his status was changed to Killed in Action 12 Nov 1969, Body not Recovered. Denanny was continued in MIA status until 21 June 1978, when the Secretary approved a Presumptive Finding of Death, changing Colonel Dennany's status to Died while Missing, Body not Recovered. As of 27 Oct 2005 their remains have not been repatriated.

Major Tucci was on his second tour of duty in Southeast Asia; he had flown 181 missions out of Danang on his first tour.

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