Larry Richard Todd
United States Air Force
Chamblee, Georgia
February 02, 1946 to April 26, 1968
LARRY R TODD is on the Wall at Panel 52E, Line 25
See the full profile or name rubbing for Larry Todd


03 Dec 2000

In memory of a graduate of Chamblee High School who did not come back,
from another who did.

Ken Davis

13 Nov 2006

I read your story tonight after years of wondering what happened. I received your MIA bracelet as a high school graduation gift from my sister. It has been one of my favorite gifts in life. I hope your family found peace after your passing. Peace be with you.

Sandy Lynn


Notes from The Virtual Wall

OPERATION DELAWARE, which began 19 April 1968, was intended to disrupt enemy activities in the western part of the A Shau Valley. On 25 April, US cavalry units air assaulted into the abandoned airstrip at A Loui. On the 26th, in weather with ceilings as low as 3-500 feet, C-130s from Cam Ranh Bay, Bien Hoa, and Tan Son Nhut were tasked with air-dropping supplies to the cavalrymen. The first 20 C-130s received antiaircraft fire, and seven of them were hit. The 21st C-130 (C-130B tail number 60-0298) was hit heavily by .51 caliber and 37mm AAA fire and its cargo was set afire. The pilot elected to attempt an emergency landing on the airstrip but hit trees on final, crashed, and exploded. When the burning wreckage cooled sufficiently, the bodies of five of the eight men were recovered - but there was no trace of the pilot, navigator, or loadmaster. All eight men were classified killed in action:
  • Maj Lilburn R Stow (BNR)
  • Capt James J McKinstry
  • Maj John L McDaniel (BNR)
  • TSgt Russell R Fyan
  • SSgt Beryl S Blaylock
  • Sgt Daniel J O'Connor
  • Sgt Larry R Todd (BNR)
  • A1C Kenneth L Johnson

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