John Lewis Mc Daniel
United States Air Force
Gibsonville, North Carolina
July 08, 1933 to April 26, 1968
JOHN L McDANIEL is on the Wall at Panel 52E, Line 22
See the full profile or name rubbing for John Mc Daniel

John L Mc Daniel
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19 Nov 2002

John McDaniel is my wife's cousin and we all attended the same high school.


A little more tired at close of day,
A little less anxious to have our way;
A little less ready to scold and blame;
A little more care for a brother's name--
And so we are nearing the journey's end,
Where time and eternity meet and blend.
The book is closed and the prayers are said,
And we are part of the countless dead.
Thrice happy then if some can say
"I live because he has passed this way."
-- Stephen Crane --

Our soldiers at Khe Sanh will never forget your valor; our family and hometown will never forget your sacrifice.

Roy V. Fair, Colonel (Ret.)
8820 Lake Drive, Snellville, Ga 30039

20 Apr 2005

John Lewis McDaniel was my mother's brother. He loved his family and his country. He left behind a wife, 4 sons, a mother, 2 sisters and 4 nieces, who love him and still miss him to this day, 37 years later. We have not yet been able to bring him home, but there is hope that one day he will be found and the government will bring him back to U.S. soil where he belongs. He grew up in Georgia and Gibsonville, NC, and he worked his way through college at the University of North Carolina where he joined the ROTC and later made a career for himself flying planes in the Air Force. He was a brave man who faced his challenges head-on and he was truly, OUR HERO.

From a niece.
E-mail address is not available.


Notes from The Virtual Wall

OPERATION DELAWARE, which began 19 April 1968, was intended to disrupt enemy activities in the western part of the A Shau Valley. On 25 April, US cavalry units air assaulted into the abandoned airstrip at A Loui. On the 26th, in weather with ceilings as low as 300 to 500 feet, C-130s from Cam Ranh Bay, Bien Hoa, and Tan Son Nhut were tasked with air-dropping supplies to the cavalrymen. The first 20 C-130s received antiaircraft fire, and seven of them were hit. The 21st C-130 (tail number 60-0298) was hit heavily by .51 caliber and 37mm AAA fire and its cargo was set afire. The pilot elected to attempt an emergency landing on the airstrip but hit trees on final, crashed, and exploded. When the burning wreckage cooled sufficiently, the bodies of five of the eight men were recovered - but there was no trace of the pilot, navigator, or loadmaster. All eight men were classified killed in action:
  • Maj Lilburn R Stow (BNR)
  • Capt James J McKinstry
  • Maj John L McDaniel (BNR)
  • TSgt Russell R Fyan
  • SSgt Beryl S Blaylock
  • Sgt Daniel J O'Connor
  • Sgt Larry R Todd (BNR)
  • A1C Kenneth L Johnson

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