Charles Minor Taylor, III
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Little Rock, Arkansas
November 10, 1948 to November 21, 1967
CHARLES M TAYLOR III is on the Wall at Panel 30E, Line 60
See the full profile or name rubbing for Charles Taylor

Combat Action Ribbon


Charles, the son of Charles M. II, and Joan K. Richardson Taylor, brother of Julia J. Taylor of Little Rock Arkansas, enlisted in the US Marine Corps on May 8, 1967. His father, Charles II, at the outbreak of WWII, was called to Washington to the air-war planning section of Gen. Marshall's staff. He was transferred to London, where he was executive officer for operations on Jimmie Doolittle's 8th Air Army. He flew a B-15 in the first formation to cross the channel on D-Day. At the close of the war, he was involved in recovering American POWs in German prison camps. He retired as a colonel with numerous decorations, including the Legion of Merit, Croix de Guerre, and campaign stars for Sicily, Normandy, and northern France. He passed May 1, 1996. PFC Taylor's mother, Joan died Mar. 18, 1996. All are buriend in Winchester Cemetery, Winchester, Kentucky. They are survived by daughter/sister, Julie.


On the eighth day of operation Foster, search elements of Company I encountered stiff resistance in the vicinity of Phu Binh Village, in Dai Loc District. Contacts increased and additional Marine forces were deployed until the enemy broke contact and withdrew.

The Marine Corps after action report for the day shows: "At 1215 hours, Company I, (AT 868533) received heavy small arms and automatic weapons fire from an undetermined number of enemy. An Air Observer on station directed air strikes on the enemy positions but enemy casualties were not known. Four Marines were wounded and evacuated. At 1300 hours, an Air Observer supporting Company I observed 25 enemy (AT 868537) and directed fixed wing air strikes, which resulted in eight structures destroyed or light damaged.

From 1300 hours, ?????? Company I received heavy small arms fire from (AT 863589) ???? which resulted in two Marines KIA and four wounded and evacuated. Air strikes and artillery supported the contact but enemy casualties were not known." The report continued with more contacts for the rest of the day.

"In support of Operation Foster, fixed wing aircraft from supporting Air Craft Carrier Squadrons flew 24 sorties consisting of 19 close air support and five direct support sorties, which expended 38 tons of ordnance. Bomb damage assessment showed 42 structures and nine bunkers destroyed and 22 structures damaged. MAG-16 helicopters flew 48 sorties. Batteries E & I, 11th Marines, and Battery B, 12th Marines, fired 42 missions, expending 434 rounds."

By the end of the day fifteen (15) men had been wounded and evacuated, two had been killed including PFC O'Neil who had died as a result of hostile rifle fire.

The two marine casualties on this day were:

-- The Virtual Wall

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