James Ralph Stevenson
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Tupelo, Mississippi
October 08, 1950 to May 12, 1969
JAMES R STEVENSON is on the Wall at Panel W25, Line 86
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Stevenson

James R Stevenson
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It began with the military's notification to the family and subsequent announcement in area papers around May 20, 1969. One of them read:

WASHINGTON (UP) -Three Mississippians were among 186 U.S. servicemen identified by the Defense Department Monday as killed in the Vietnam war. Killed in hostile action was Army Spec 4 R. C. Myers, husband of Mrs. Verna M. Myers of Jackson. Changed from missing to dead as a result of hostile action were Spec. 5 Charles E. Wilson Jr., husband of Mrs. Vickie K. Wilson of Greenwood; and PFC James R. Stevenson, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stevenson of Booneville.

On 12 May 1969, his unit engaged the enemy in action near Zuan Than, approximately 8 Kilometers South Southeast of Duc Pho. With complete disregard for safety, the squad attacked and killed several of the enemy. When his squad tried to prevent the enemy soldiers from skirting the flank of their position, a firefight ensued that caused the loss of 10 men from C Company, 3/1st Infantry. They were:

PFC Stevenson was missing from May 12 to May 17 before he was recovered. At the time of his death, James was survived by his mother, Mittie Pearl "Nubbin" Payne Shattles (Born Feb. 13, 1932, to Samuel and Lillia Ellis Payne and died on Sept. 15, 2009), McNeese Street Tupelo, Mississippi. PFC Stevenson was also survived at the time by his father, James C Stevenson, Byron Road, Nashville and his grandparents Mrs and Mr R C Stevenson, Booneville, Ms. He is buried in Carolina Cemetery Booneville, Prentiss County, Mississippi while his mother is in Payne Cemetery, Mooreville.

It is unknown when and where PFC Stevenson's father may have passed away, but his mother married Raymond Shattles in approximately 1975-76 and had children from their 33 year marriage. From the extended family, James had four brothers, Danny Stevenson of Mooreville, Rick Stevenson (Sherry) of Enid, Bobby Taylor of Southaven and Jon Mark Taylor, of Nettleton. He also had 3 sisters: Jewel Reeves (Robert) of Booneville, Susan Whitmon (Bro. William) of Mooreville and Renita Brown (Robert) of Booneville.

James R Stevenson

- - The Virtual Wall, June 17, 2014

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