William Lawrence Shrum
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Phoenix, Arizona
May 26, 1948 to July 22, 1968
WILLIAM L SHRUM is on the Wall at Panel W51, Line 37
See the full profile or name rubbing for William Shrum

William L Shrum
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A friend of mine told me about this website and I think it is great. I am sending a few pictures that were taken 1 month before my brother "Larry" was killed. Larry had many friends and 11 brothers and sisters. Thanks for all you do.

-- Debbie Shrum Seibert 12-17-2012

Larry and Phil Morris at the 137th Dayroom 6-5-68.


Larry found this B40 rocket at the #93 Sand Pit.


Larry sitting in the cab of his crane 6-13-68.


Initial report shows that at 16:15 hours on 22 July, 1968, elements of the 137th Engineer Company were traveling south of Tam Quan were caught in an ambush, receiving fire from both the east and west sides of highway QL-1 resulting in 13 killed in hostile action (KHA), 1 wounded and 1 missing (Later KHA). Two (2) of the KHAs were South Vietnamese soldiers and ultimately 12 US servicement died from this event. ARVN armored personnel carriers, gunships, rocketships, and artillery were called into the area. Due to intense enemy contact, ambush site could not be reached immediately. Intial report determined many pieces of equipment damaged, but extent unknown.

At 2300 hours, one platoon of Echo Company, 17th Cavalry and one platoon made up of elements from A and Headquarters Companies, 19th Engineer Battalion, and the 137th Engineer Company, reached ambush site and retrieved bodies and wounded. The 12 men killed during this ambush, one of the largest single Engineer event losses in Vietnam (Engineers lost over 1,500 men during the Vietnam War), were

-- The Virtual Wall

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