Garry Daymon Sheppard
Warrant Officer
Army of the United States
Skyland, North Carolina
September 19, 1946 to February 18, 1968
GARRY D SHEPPARD is on the Wall at Panel 40E, Line 13
See the full profile or name rubbing for Garry Sheppard

Garry D Sheppard
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Veterans' Day 2000

Garry and his friends attended Valley Springs School (the Sheppards lived across from VSHS) through the 10th grade. We graduated from T. C. Robertson H. S. in 1964. Garry was a very fine person that we all appreciated. He had a nice laugh and smile that seemed to be there always and seemed to say, "I enjoy your company!"

I was in Vietnam the same time as Garry and did not know until my Mother sent me a newspaper clipping. I would like his family to know he is not forgotten and we all still appreciate him today!

Millard A. "Crockett" Dumas III
240 W. 600 N. Pine Creek Lane
Escalante, UT 84726


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Four men of the 336th Assault Helicopter Company died when their UH-1B gunship (tail number 62-02008) was shot down:

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