Walter Raymond Robinson, Jr
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
La Pryor, Texas
March 11, 1948 to April 30, 1967
WALTER R ROBINSON Jr is on the Wall at Panel 18E, Line 127
See the full profile or name rubbing for Walter Robinson

Combat Action Ribbon
Walter R Robinson
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May 3, 1967 News article in Texas Paper:


-- The Virtual Wall

In early April 1967 the North Vietnamese Army's 325C Division (18th, 95th, and 101st Regiments) moved through Laos and positioned itself to capture the combat base at Khe Sanh. By 25 April the 18th Regiment had emplaced itself on Hill 861, one of three hills which controlled key terrain around Khe Sanh. The 3rd Marine Division commander determined that the three hills had to be denied to the enemy.

After heavy fighting, the Marines captured Hill 661, decimating the 18th Regiment, and turned toward Hills 881 North and 881 South, defended by the NVA 95th Regiment.

The initial assaults on Hills 881 North and South were made by elements of the 3rd and 9th Marines on 30 April and was not successful - the enemy was well entrenched on the crests of the steep hills and vigorously resisted the Marine advance. By nightfall, the Marines withdrew from the hills, having lost 58 dead and hundreds wounded. Hill 881 South was subjected to heavy supporting arms fire on 01 May and captured on 02 May.

Three companies from 2nd Bn, 3rd Marines were engaged at Hill 881 North; they lost 14 men:

LCPL Walter Raymond Robinson is buried in La Pryor Texas, along with his mother and step father, Neoma M Maner and John W Maner, a veteran of WWII. He served as a Private First Class. His stepfather passed away in April 1992 and his mother in November 1992. His father, Walter R. Robinson, Sr predeceased his son.




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