Clyde Reed, Jr
Airman Second Class
United States Air Force
Cincinnati, Ohio
August 18, 1947 to April 12, 1967
CLYDE REED Jr is on the Wall at Panel 18E, Line 18
See the full profile or name rubbing for Clyde Reed

Clyde Reed
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Clyde at Work - Photo Taken after March 30, 1967


A note for relatives and friends of Clyde Reed Jr:

"I was due to rotate home and Clyde volunteered to replace me 'in country'."

"Incredibly he had just arrived at Clark AB RP and few short days before I met him."

"Good Kid, funny, respectful; heard he was a good mechanic too."

"Still don't know why I took his picture, but I am glad every day since, that I did. I hope he's proud of the way it turned out."

"May God keep him in the palm of His hand."

-- James L. Csabi, Port Orange, FL
April 18, 2013

At approximately 0035 hours, 13 April 1967, the Viet Cong, initiated a mortar attack on the southwest corner of the Chu Lai Airfield. The incoming rounds landed in the Marine unit VMA(AW)-533 ramp area, killing two (2) men and wounding forty-two (42) others. Damage to aircraft was light. The MAG-12 defense siren was sounded at 0037 hours setting condition YELLOW. The Fifth Provisional Rifle Company Command Post (CP) was manned at 0045 hours. All of the company platoon positions were manned by 0109 hours. All platoons of the Fifth Provisional Rifle Company were immediately secured. The two men who were killed during the attack were:

  • 773rd Troop Carrier Squadron, 463rd Troop Carrier Wing, 7th AF
  • 6200th Field Maintenance Squadron, 6200th Air Base Wing, 7th AF

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