Richard Peguero
Army of the United States
Los Angeles, California
June 21, 1946 to April 13, 1968
RICHARD PEGUERO is on the Wall at Panel 49E, Line 46
See the full profile or name rubbing for Richard Peguero


31 Jul 2002

I was Richie's platoon leader when he was killed. To his family and friends, I would like to say that he was a good man and an exceptional soldier. He always seemed to be in good spirits no matter how bad things were around us. He was one of the few men in the platoon who always did whatever had to be done without being told.

To Richie's widow, I would like to say that he always had you in his thoughts. It seemed like every day he was receiving your letters and audio cassettes and responding whenever he had the time. It was obvious to all of us that Richie loved you very much. I am so sorry for your loss and would like you to know that he did not suffer at all.

If any of Richie's family would like to contact me, my email address is .

From his former platoon leader,
Chuck Eisenberg

24 Nov 2003

To the uncle I never had the chance to meet:

I only know you from the stories my Mom (your youngest sister) told me of you. We see your face every morning when we look at my brother, your nephew. He is your splitting image. We still mourn your passing. But, it brings me comfort knowing that you are with my grandparents [your parents] now. I love you and look forward to the day we can finally meet in the kingdom of heaven. Rest in peace, tio Richard.

- Audrey Ofelia


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 13 April 1968, A Company, 2/22nd Inf Rgt, lost six men. Five were permanently assigned to the company, while the sixth - 1LT Richard Estrada - was an Artillery Forward Observer:

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