Frank Albert Murrietta, Jr
Warrant Officer
Army of the United States
Phoenix, Arizona
January 05, 1945 to November 14, 1967
FRANK A MURRIETTA is on the Wall at Panel 29E, Line 96
See the full profile or name rubbing for Frank Murrietta

Frank A Murrietta
ADIV-1STCAVDIV.png ARGT-11THAVNGROUP.png 227thahb.gif


On November 4, 1st Battalion, 35th Infantry Regiment (1/35) was under operational control of the 3rd Brigade of the 1st Cavalry Division and had moved north to LZ Baldy near Hoi An, Quang Nam Province, 1st Corps Tactical Zone. Contact with elements of the 2nd NVA Division was constant and sharp. On November 14, the battalion command group made an early morning liftoff in the C&C helicopter to check in with A Company, located about 15 kilometers SW of Baldy. After heavy contact the day before, things were pretty quiet on the ground but when the command chopper showed up a 12.7mm machine gun took it under intense fire and brought it down. A Company troopers rushed to the scene but there were no survivors.

The helicopter was from C Company, 227th AHB, 1st Cav Division (UH-1D, tail number 66-01006). The following men died in the crash:

From the 1/35 Command Group: From C Company, 227th AHB:

Frank A Murrietta
Arizona Republic, Phoenix Arizona, December 1, 1967
Friday, Page

Frank A Murrietta
Consolidated from 5 columns and photos to two without photos
Arizona Republic (Phoenix, Arizona), 28 May 2005, Saturday, Page 48

Frank A Murrietta
Arizona Republic (Phoenix, Arizona), 28 May 2005, Saturday, Page 48

Frank A Murrietta
Arizona Republic (Phoenix, Arizona), 28 May 2005, Saturday, Page 48

WO Frank Albert Murrietta is buried with his mother Elena "Helen" (Cruz) Murrietta (1903-1982, father Francisco "Frank" Pino Murrietta (1900-1985), and sister Isabel C. Murrietta (1935-2014) in Saint Francis Catholic Cemetery Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. His brother Oscar C. "Ozzie" Murrietta is buried in National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona.

Frank A Murrietta

- - The Virtual Wall, 4 June 2022


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