Ronald Lenear Mc Elroy
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Duncanville, Texas
February 07, 1944 to February 17, 1968
RONALD L McELROY is on the Wall at Panel 39E, Line 75
See the full profile or name rubbing for Ronald Mc Elroy

Combat Action Ribbon
Ronald L Mc Elroy
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PFC Ronald Lenear McElroy, was the son of Mrs and Mr. Adrain L. McElroy of Duncanville, Texas. His mother, Willie F was deceased at the time of his death but his step mother, Willie B, survived him. Photo of young Ronald below


He was a graduate of Duncanville High School where he had been a 4-year letterman in baseball and had lettered three years in football and basketball.


He had been stationed in Vietnam since December and had been awarded the Purple Heart twice.

On February 17, 1968, at 0900 hours (9 a.m.), Delta Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Marines were on a search and destroy mission, when they were hit with an unknown number of 60mm and 82mm mortars from across the river. They received small arms fire from their left flank.

They returned fire with 8" artillery, Light Anti-Tank weapons, M-79 grenades, small arms, and 81mm mortars. The enemy broke off the contact and the Marines found 2 enemy KIA upon search of the contact area. The Marines lost 1 KIA and had 4 Wounded in Action (WIA). One of those died later. The two Marines involved in this incident were:

He was buried in Wheatland Cemetery, Dallas, Texas.


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