Donnie Ray Mc Cormick
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Morrison, Tennessee
October 22, 1947 to February 08, 1968
DONNIE R McCORMICK is on the Wall at Panel 38E, Line 34
See the full profile or name rubbing for Donnie Mc Cormick

Donnie R Mc Cormick
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The MACV Summary for Feb 1968 contains the following entries:

07 Feb - II FFV. (Dinh Tuong Prov) - 3 kilometers northwest of My Tho, 9th Inf Div elements made contact with an unknown size enemy force. Supported by arty and helicopter gunships, ground units exchanged small arms and automatic weapons fire. 2 kilometers away another company made contact with an estimated enemy company at the same time. Reinforcements sent in at 1400H. USAF tactical air and Army helicopter gunships directed fire onto enemy positions. Both engagements terminated 1700H. 52 enemy killed; 8 US killed and 29 WIA (medevac) and 6 light WIA treated and returned to duty.

08 Feb - II FFV. (Dinh Tuong Prov) - 3 kilometers northwest of My Tho, elements of 9th Inf Div made contact with estimated 3 enemy companies. Heavy contact reported. Helicopter gunships and tactical air supported [the ground forces]. Contact terminated at 1945H. 86 enemy killed; 8 US killed and 20 wounded.

Fifteen of the sixteen US dead can be identified:

The 16th American might be 1LT Richard J. Glenn of Florence, Alabama, assigned to MACV's Advisory Team 87. He is the only other known US casualty in Dinh Tuong Province on 07-08 February 1968.

Donnie R Mc Cormick

Donnie R Mc Cormick

Donnie R Mc Cormick

Donnie R Mc Cormick

Donnie was survived by wife, Cheryl Elaine (Rigsby) McCormick (1947- ), mother Pauline (Bouldin) McCormick (1921-2008), father Lester Washington McCormick (1914-1991), brothers James Lewis McCormick (1938-2018), Billy Hugh McCormick (1940-2019), and Jerry and Terry McCormick and sisters Patsy and Sharon.

SP4 Donnie Ray McCormick is buried in same cemetery as brother James in Mountain View Cemetery, McMinnville, Warren County, Tennessee while his parents are in Bascom Cemetery, Warren County, Tennessee.

- - The Virtual Wall, 28 December 2022


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