Robert Allen Mc Allister
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Tinley Park, Illinois
July 16, 1948 to August 18, 1968
ROBERT A McALLISTER is on the Wall at Panel W48, Line 46
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Mc Allister

Combat Action Ribbon
Robert A Mc Allister
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12 May 2006


by his sister,
Dot McAllister Bayless

Robert A Mc Allister

Notes from The Virtual Wall

From the 1/13 Marines Command Chronology for Aug 1968:
"At 18 0155H August 1968, an enemy force of unknown strength attacked the Mortar Battery position in vicinity of Cao Dei peninsula. The attack was initiated with approximately 80-100 82mm mortar rounds, followed immediately by sapper attacks on defensive position, communications facilities, and command and control facilities. A reaction force engaged the enemy force as they were departing the position. Seven personnel of Mortar Battery and 2 OPCON personnel from 1st Field Artillery Group were killed in this action and one 155mm How (TD) was severely damaged. Seven (7) enemy KIA were located within the position area after the action was complete. Intelligence received subsequent to the attack indicated the enemy suffered an additional 5 KIA and 8 WIA during this action, however, enemy casualties for the month do not reflect this as this information could not be confirmed."
The nine men were

Pfc Norman Eversgerd's brother, SP4 Marlin C. Eversgerd, US Army, had been killed in action on 19 March 1967 during the battle at Fire Support Base Gold (also known as the Battle of Suoi Tre).

PFC Mc Allister was buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Alsip, Cook County, Illinois. He was survived by his parents, Dorothy C and Raymond E Mc Allister, Tinley Park, Illinois.

Robert A Mc Allister

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