John Joseph Kligar, III
Army of the United States
Chesaning, Michigan
October 04, 1949 to August 25, 1970
JOHN J KLIGAR III is on the Wall at Panel W7, Line 5
See the full profile or name rubbing for John Kligar


The Escanaba Daily Press, 1 September 1970, Page 6:

State Soldiers Among War Dead

WASHINGTON (AP) ---Three Michigan men were among the latest Americans to die in Southeast Asia. The Defense Department said Monday Army Pfcs. John Patrick Heersch Jr. , son of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hearsch Sr. of Flint, and Marine Lance Cpl. John J. Lafler, son of Warren Lafler of Southgate, were killed in action in the war.

Army Sgt John Joseph Kligar, III, son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kligar Jr. of Chesaning, died, but not as a result of hostile action.

Army records indicate that a Claymore mine was accidently detonated by a South Vietnamese Kit Carson Scout while SGT Kligar and SP4 Charles Henry Meakins were standing toward the front side of the mine.

Saginaw News
August 31, 1970,
Section B, page 9
- - -
Kligar, Sgt. John J. Il.,
9092 Chesaning Road
Chesaning, Michigan

Passed away Monday, Aug 24, 1970, in Vietnam. He was born Oct. 4, 1949, and had been a resident of Chesaning all of his life. He graduated from Our Lady High School in 1967 and had been employed at Saginaw Steering Gear. He entered the Army in 1969.

Surviving, besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kligar, Jr., are two brothers and one sister, Sally, Thomas and Steven Kligar, all at home; his grandmother, Mrs. Rose Kligar. A sister, Patricia Kligar, passed away in an automobile accident in 1964. Funeral arrangements will be announced later by the Walker-Martin Funeral Home.

SGT John James Kligar, III is buried in Mount Calvary Cemtery, Chesaning, Michigan near his parents Anna Mae Kligar (1922 - 1986) and John J. Kligar (1923 - 2004), his sister Patricia (1948-1964), and his paternal grandparents, Rose Hezina Kligar (1898-1989) and John J Kligar, Sr (1889-1965).

John J Kligar

John J Kligar John J Kligar

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