Jackie Dwayne Hamby
Army of the United States
Bono, Arkansas
December 10, 1946 to July 28, 1969
JACKIE D HAMBY is on the Wall at Panel W20, Line 65
See the full profile or name rubbing for Jackie Hamby

Jackie D Hamby
armyseal.gif usarv.gif 173abn2.gif


The photos below show Jackie with Danny Day, another unit member. Jackie is on the right. Below that is another photo of Jackie in his quarters area taken in April, 1968.



The official Army Military Casualty in Vietnam report states "Individual died from wounds received while a passenger on a military vehicle on a combat operation when a mine detonated. He was admitted to a military medical facility and expired shortly thereafter."

Further reports show the event occurred at Grid coordinates BR990802 (10 kilometers (KM) NE of LZ English and 1 KM NW of Nui Loi Mountain (Hill 180)), when an A Company, 1st Battalion, 50th Infantry vehicle was hit by an enemy command detonated claymore mine, killing 2 and wounding 4 who were extracted from the vehicle.

The two men killed were:

-- The Virtual Wall, 10 June 2013

Jackie was not married and was survived in 1969 by his mother, Auddie Tate Hamby, and his father Jack Hamby, Jonesboro, Arkansas.

Jackie also had 2 brothers and 4 sisters. The Hambly siblings are Connie, Glenna, Jackie, Chrylene, Gary, Dwight, Connie and Tammy. Gary, a Vietnam Veteran, drowned in 1982 near Tulsa Oklahoma in the Arkansas River, downriver from where he and a friend, Steve Morman, capsized their canoe when it went over a low-water dam at a Sand Springs river park.

Jackie's father Jack, 78, a WW II veteran, passed away in January 2000. His mother, Auddie, 83, passed away in June 2007. She was preceded in death by her husband, her parents, Alva and Minnie Beaty Tate; a brother, two sisters, two sons, one grandson and one great granddaughter.

Jackie, Gary, Jack, and Auddie are buried in the family plot at Trinity Cemetery near Bono Arkansas. Tha Hamby family has a history of service to America as evidenced by the photos below of Jackie's, Gary's, and Jack's military grave markers. Below that is a photo of Auddie and Jack Hamby.






-- The Virtual Wall, 24 June 2013

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