Calvin Fielder
Staff Sergeant
Army of the United States
Chattanooga, Tennessee
October 25, 1931 to November 19, 1968
CALVIN FIELDER is on the Wall at Panel W38, Line 10
See the full profile or name rubbing for Calvin Fielder

Calvin Fielder
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Calvin Fielder

You made the ultimate sacrifice
and it did not go unnoticed.

I thank you and salute you.

A memorial from one who remembers,
Leilah Ash Ward
Hollywood, Florida

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On 19 Nov 1968 a UH-1D (tail number 66-16195) from the 173rd Assault Helicopter Company was flying a routine courier run in the Saigon area. On departure from the 93rd Evac Hospital helipad at Long Binh the aircraft proceded toward Tan Son Nhut Air Base with six men aboard:

As the aircraft was nearing the end of a normal approach to landing two loud bangs were heard and the tail rotor stopped turning. Without tail rotor function the aircraft began spinning to the right and fell out of the air. The aircraft began to burn immediately after impact. WO Daniel was able to exit the aircraft under his own power, and ground personnel were able to pull 2LT Kimbrell and PFC Holt from the burning wreckage, but the other three men were trapped in the passenger compartment and died in the crash or post-crash fire.

Local area papers posted the following notice of 6 men from Ohio killed in Vietnam:

Calvin Fielder

SSG Calvin Fielder was survived by his mother, Beaular M. Fielder, Chattanooga, Tennesse and his father Benjamin Fielder, Cleveland Ohio. He is buried in Chattnooga National Cemetery, Tennessee.

Calvin Fielder

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