William Harold Farvour
United States Marine Corps
Green Bay, Wisconsin
July 30, 1948 to February 16, 1969
WILLIAM H FARVOUR is on the Wall at Panel W32, Line 43
See the full profile or name rubbing for William Farvour

Combat Action Ribbon
William H Farvour
3rdmaf.gif 1mardiv.gif 7thmarines.gif


"To live in the hearts we leave behind,
is never to have died."
(Thomas Campbell, circa 1888)

12 Nov 2001

A great friend, someone that I will always remember. An inspiration for me to join the military and go and fight for my country. I went and came back in one piece. I just wanted to know what it was that you gave your life for. Now I know and I will never forget. If not for you I would never have gone in, everything I have today I have because of you. Giving your life has made mine the best it can be. For that I will never be able to thank you enough. You might be gone but you are not forgotten.

Love, Mike
P.S. As you probably know I got that Harley I always wanted.

From his cousin
Michael (Mickey) T. Farvour
Germantown, WI

14 Apr 2003

Just a short note to thank all the guys from Billy's unit that contacted me. After so many years not knowing what happened it's nice to know the story. Thank you for the invite this last summer to the Washington reunion but just could not get away. God knows I tried. Unfortunately employers do not understand what we vets have gone through and how important closure is to some of us. Again thanks guys and welcome home.


25 Jan 2005

Stopped by just to say "Hi", just to let you know I have not forgotten about you. Since we last talked my dad passed away. I talked with your mom and sister at the funeral told them about this great web site. Also had a chance to talk to a few of your buddies from your unit since we last talked. They are a great bunch of guys. Helped answer a lot of questions about you. This internet stuff is great. All this is still hard to handle. All the death and destruction i saw over there and the bad memories have not gone away. I often feel guilty my name isn't on the Wall. Did I do enough? My mood swings are getting worse and worse as I get older. I think about it more with another war going on right now. Brings up a lot of thoughts and no one to talk to about it but you. These visits although sad are very helpful in strange ways to me. With the war in Iraq a lot more people knowing that I was in Vietnam want to talk about it. I can't. I think that they don't believe me when I tell them about it. You know, it's funny - every veteran I talk to, either Vietnam or Iraq, they were either a Green Beret or a SEAL.

Love and miss you.


16 Feb 2006

37 years ago today. I havn't forgotten.

Love and miss you. By the way - finally got a Tunnel Terrier. Matter of fact, two them: Bear and Tizzy.


From a cousin,
Mike Farvour



Can anyone identify any of the Marines in this photograph?



A Note from The Virtual Wall

Corporal Farvour was one of six Marines from Delta 1/7th Marines who died in an action near Phong Thu, west of Hoi An:
  • CPL William H. Farvour, Green Bay, WI
  • LCPL Thomas M. Casey, Milton, MA (Navy Cross)
  • PFC Michael R. Coon, Fort Worth, TX
  • PFC Craig M. Hemphill, Spokane, WA
  • PFC Dennis L. Riley, Hanover, PA
  • PFC Robert W. Whitney, Riverdale, IL

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