Michael Ray Coon
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Fort Worth, Texas
December 10, 1949 to February 16, 1969
MICHAEL R COON is on the Wall at Panel W32, Line 42
See the full profile or name rubbing for Michael Coon

Combat Action Ribbon

12 November 2001

To my buddy Mike,

I will always see us cruisin' in your black 1958 Chevy Impala,
laughing and listening to the Rolling Stones.

Until we meet again, my friend.

Your buddy, Don Law

30 December 2001

I'm a good friend of a distant relative of yours, Mike. To this day, your family doesn't talk about you much because it hurts so bad. You are loved by many, and missed terribly. I know you're up there with God right now, living the good life for the rest of eternity ... you earned it.

You made the ultimate sacrifice, so that me and the rest of America could live free. I salute you, brother, and very much look forward to meeting you someday.

Sgt G. W. Mills
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Private First Class Coon was one of six Marines from Delta 1/7th Marines who died that day:
  • CPL William H. Farvour, Green Bay, WI
  • LCPL Thomas M. Casey, Milton, MA (Navy Cross)
  • PFC Michael R. Coon, Fort Worth, TX
  • PFC Craig M. Hemphill, Spokane, WA
  • PFC Dennis L. Riley, Hanover, PA
  • PFC Robert W. Whitney, Riverdale, IL

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