Dewey Maynard Eubanks
Army of the United States
Durham, North Carolina
March 09, 1945 to June 23, 1969
DEWEY M EUBANKS is on the Wall at Panel W22, Line 118
See the full profile or name rubbing for Dewey Eubanks

Dewey M Eubanks
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30 Jun 2002

West Durham was never the same without my friend.
God keep him.

A memorial initiated by a friend,
Bobby Jackson

16 May 2003

A devoted friend, a kind individual and a lovable person,
but most of all, a Gentle Brother. . . Dewey,
we'll meet again one day!

Teresa Eubanks Butler


Typical article in the local area papers at time of CPL Eubanks' death:

Three Soldiers Reported Dead

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Pentagon has announced that three more North Carolina soldiers have been killed in action in the Vietnam War. They were identified as Spec. 4 Richard C. Daniels of Rt. 3, Edenton; Spec. 4 Marzel R. Lee, of Rt. 1, Moncure; and Pfc. Dewey M. Eubanks of Durham. All were Army men.

DoD records show that he was killed during a chance meeting engagement 8 kilometers northwest of Tien Phouc. He was part of E Company's Reconaissance Platoon when they came into contact. Sent in support of the platoon was B Company, 4/31st and they lost two men in the engagement. The 3 men lost in this contact were:

Photos. Top of page: High School
graduation photo from Durham High School
Below: Composite photo sent from Vietnam.
Photos courtesy of Teresa Eubanks Butler.
Dewey M Eubanks

SP4 Eubanks was buried in Maplewood Cemetery Durham, Durham County, North Carolina. He was survived by his parents Mr and Mrs Leo Eubanks of Alexander Avenue, Durham; and a sister, Teresa Eubanks Butler.

Dewey M Eubanks

- - The Virtual Wall, September 4, 2014

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