James Patrick Eckles
Army of the United States
Plymouth, Michigan
November 16, 1948 to August 12, 1969
JAMES P ECKLES is on the Wall at Panel W19, Line 12
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Eckles

James P Eckles
usarv.gif ADIV-1STCAVDIV.png 12cavrgt2.gif

23 June 2005

I am the Proud Daughter of CPL James P. Eckles (PFC at time of service). I am hoping to keep his memory alive with the posting of this memorial. He died 1-1/2 months before I was born and was therefore unable to see me. I do feel a special closeness to him because, having been a twin himself, I now have twin children.

I would love to hear from anyone who knew or met my dad. Some records show that he was in the 2nd Battalion 8th Cavalry, while I have his offical records showing 1st Battalion 12 Cavalry.

In loving memory,
Your Daughter, Candi

Candace Cothron

14 Jul 2006

My memory is not the best. After seeing his picture, I believe C 1/12 to be correct. If my memory is correct, he was killed while trying to help his best friend Larry Mohn who was severely wounded.

If I am thinking right, he was an amazing soldier, with a great sense of humor, and a deep commitment to others.

I only knew him for a short time, and not well. I did learn things from him, and hopefully taught him a few also.

Sgt Donavon "SKI" Holderread
3rd Herd, Charlie 1st 12th
8419 Quince Road, Plymouth, Indiana 46563

From The Virtual Wall: SP4 Laurance R. Mohn of Fort Worth, Texas, died from his wounds on 31 August 1969.

26 Jan 2007

A message for Candi...

My name is Jeff Hale. My father is Richard Hale - he was best friends with your father during high school. He never really talks much about him other than the fact that your father, who was known by my father as "Pat", was killed while my father was serving in Vietnam as well with the 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines, 3rd Marine Division, the "Magnificent Bastards".

From my understanding my father and your father both entered the service and were in Vietnam at about the same time. But when he was killed my father didn't find out until he returned home, because my grandparents saw fit to keep it from him until he got home. Why I do not know but it is my belief that it allowed my father to go on doing his job and stay alive. I cannot thank you, or anyone else for that matter, enough for what your father did and the sacrifice he made. But when I look back at how my father talked about yours, it comes as no surprise to me to know that he put his life on the line while trying to save someone else's. Once again I say thank you and I hope your father will always be remembered in the way that my father and others do.

From his best friend's son,
Jeff Hale


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Both Saigon Mortuary and Central Identification Laboratory Hawaii records confirm that Corporal Eckles was assigned to Co C, 1st Bn, 12th Cavalry. He was killed by gunshot in Tay Ninh Province on 12 Aug 1969.

Six other men from Plymouth, Michigan, died in Vietnam. A memorial in Plymouth remembers the seven men:

  • Richard A. Larrick, Cpl, B Co, 123rd Avn Bn, US Army, 26 Sep 1965
  • Richard L. Nowry, Cpl, B Co, 1st MT Bn, USMC, 09 Jun 1968
  • James T. Fields, SP4, A Trp, 1/9 Cav, US Army, 15 Feb 1969
  • James P. Eckles, Cpl, C Co, 1/8 Cav, US Army, 12 Aug 1969
  • Hugh H. Sarah, SP4, D Co, 2/8 Cav, US Army, 25 Sep 1969
  • Harry F. Zalesny, Jr., CWO, 334th AHC, US Army, 22 Dec 1969
  • Harry E. Baker, SP4, D Co, 3/1 Inf, US Army, 31 Mar 1970
Corporal Eckles is buried in Riverside Cemetery, Plymouth, Michigan.

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