Harry E. Baker, Jr
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Plymouth, Michigan
September 23, 1949 to March 31, 1970
HARRY E BAKER Jr is on the Wall at Panel W12, Line 61
See the full profile or name rubbing for Harry Baker


10 Feb 2001

Harry Baker was a friend of mine in high school. I don't remember how I heard that he was a Vietnam casualty but I was in Nam during the time he died and feel a special kinship with this very fine man.

Thank you, Harry, for your sacrifice. I' m sorry you didn't get to live out a full life as I have done. I'll never forget you or the price you paid doing your duty to our country. I'm doing what little I can to keep your memory alive.

God bless you, buddy, and I hope we meet again someday.

Your old high school friend from Mesa,
James R. Carter, II
MSgt USAF (Ret)


A Note from The Virtual Wall

SP4 Harry Baker was killed by a boobie trap while searching VC bunkers along the Tra Khuk River in Quang Ngai Province, the last of seven young men from Plymouth, Michigan, who died in Vietnam.


A memorial in Plymouth remembers the seven men:

  • Richard A. Larrick, Cpl, B Co, 123rd Avn Bn, US Army, 26 Sep 1965
  • Richard L. Nowry, Cpl, B Co, 1st MT Bn, USMC, 09 Jun 1968
  • James T. Fields, SP4, A Trp, 1/9 Cav, US Army, 15 Feb 1969
  • James P. Eckles, Cpl, C Co, 1/8 Cav, US Army, 12 Aug 1969
  • Hugh H. Sarah, SP4, D Co, 2/8 Cav, US Army, 25 Sep 1969
  • Harry F. Zalesny, Jr., CWO, 334th AHC, US Army, 22 Dec 1969
  • Harry E. Baker, SP4, D Co, 3/1 Inf, US Army, 31 Mar 1970

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