Arthur Leroy Doiley, Jr
Private First Class
Army of the United States
New York, New York
March 25, 1949 to August 18, 1968
ARTHUR L DOILEY Jr is on the Wall at Panel W48, Line 40
See the full profile or name rubbing for Arthur Doiley

Arthur L Doiley
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He grew up in a wood-frame farm house with his parents, two sisters and two brothers.

Arthur played clarinet, enjoyed Sunday school and earned outstanding lineman honors on Berkeley Training High School's football team during his senior year. Arthur and his wife Janice moved to the Bronx, New York after graduating from Berkeley Training School in 1967.

During a visit with an uncle, who was living in New York, he enlisted in the Army on Oct. 30, 1967. At the time, Arthur had two sons, and he wanted to provide for them.

Arthur L Doiley

He returned to South Carolina for a short visit after boot camp.

He married his high school sweetheart, Janice Watson, and the family gathered for a big dinner.

His tour in Vietnam began on May 20, 1968. He was killed in Long An Province, South Vietnam.

Official military records did not list his name when the memorial commission asked for the names of South Carolinians to place on the monument, built in 1986. Pvt. Doiley died nearly 40 years prior while serving in Vietnam. His name was never included on Columbia's monument.

Arthur L Doiley

A family member realized Doiley's name was missing from the Wall at a memorial service. She asked a Vietnam vet for help. Park officials looked into it and realized a mistake had been made and for the family they had to fix it. Now his name is finally added to the Wall.

Arthur L Doiley

His wife never remarried. On her own, she raised the couple's two sons, grown men who on this day support her.

Three men from the 2nd Battalion, 60th Infantry Regiment, were killed in action on 8 August 1968 in different events on that day. The 3 men were:

PFC Arthur L Doiley, Jr is buried in Old Nazareth Cemetery Pinopolis, Berkeley County, South Carolina, as is his father, Arthur L Doiley, Sr who was a veteran of World War II.

Arthur L Doiley

- - - The Virtual Wall, July 22, 2018

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