Philip Anthony D'Amico, Jr
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
September 28, 1949 to August 18, 1968
PHILIP A D'AMICO Jr is on the Wall at Panel W48, Line 40
See the full profile or name rubbing for Philip D'Amico

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Philip A D'Amico
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Philip A D'Amico



Philip Anthony D'Amico, Jr

Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
28 September 1949 - 18 August 1968
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Panel 48W Line 040

30 Nov 2002

Philip, I have thought of you often through the years. Often remembering how proud your mother was of you and how good you were to her also. I think of all the pranks we played on each other and still laugh. You were a good kid, a pleasure to know and a good friend. I wish you could still be here today. Sometimes I wish we were all still back in Webster School Yard where we all had so much fun. It was great growing up with you and I miss you always. May you rest in peace.

From a friend,
Nancy Mazzeo Reeb

18 Apr 2007

I was not aware of the existence of this site until April 2007 and would like to add a heartfelt tribute to my brother Philip from myself and his nieces and nephew.

Phil, you were a dear generous and great hearted person. You had a sense of duty and loyalty to everything you were a part of. I remember you with love and pride. Waht an enterprising funny and bright presence you were. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and what it might be like to have you still nearby.

Always loved and sadly missed by your sister,
Phyllis A. D'Amico-Martin
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 1st Bn, 13th Marines had an artillery firing position located on the Cao Dei peninsula, a thumb of land which protrudes into Cau Hai Bay about 4 kilometers northwest of Phu Loc. Just before 2 am on 18 August 1968 the firing position was taken under attack, first by mortars and then by sappers who penetrated the perimeter and caused considerable damage with satchel charges before the Marines ejjected them and restored the perimeter.

Two platoons from Alpha 1/26 had been sent from their respective positions as reaction forces - and by chance intercepted the enemy force as they withdrew from the peninsula. In a night engagement, the Alpha 1/26 Marines took the VC under fire before the enemy force broke contact and disappeared into the nearby mountains.

Seventeen Marines were killed in the two engagements:

  • Hq Btry, 1st Bn, 11th Marines
  • Hq Btry, 1st Fld Arty Group, 11th Marines
  • Mortar Btry, 1st Bn, 13th Marines
  • A Co, 1st Bn, 26th Marines
    • Cpl Thomas A. Leigh, Flushing, NY
    • LCpl Ruston L. Baker, Mendon, MI
    • LCpl James Caudill, Marion, OH
    • LCpl John Saneda, Bryan, OH
    • LCpl David M. St John, Milford, MA
    • Pfc Richard E. Addison, New York, NY
    • Pfc Philip A. D'Amico, Philadelphia, PA
    • Pfc Paul Velez, New York, NY


A Philadelphia Marine was killed in action in Vietnam less than six weeks after he arrived, the Defense Department announced Saturday.

Pfc. Philip A. D'Amico Jr., 18, whose mother formerly lived in Frankford (section) and now resides with her mother, of 9 Jessie Ave., Morrisville, Bucks county, was killed August 18. He left Camp Pendleton, Calif., for Vietnam on July 22 his mother said.

Mrs. D'Amico said her son left Frankford High School last year and served four months in the Merchant Marines before joining the Marine Corps February 1. He served with A Company, 26th Marine Division, after basic training at Parris Island, S.C., Camp Lejeune, N.C., and Camp Pendleton.

Pfc. D'Amico received a bullet wound in the head at Thua Thien, Mrs D'Amico said. Besides his mother, he is survived by his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Archie McLeish.

The Philadelphia Inquirer
August 25, 1968

"The 18-year-old private first class attended Frankford High School and served several months in the Merchant Marines before enlisting in the Marine Corps in January 1968. He shipped out to Viet Nam in July 1968 and joined Company A of the 1st Battalion, 26th Marines, 3rd Marine Division. The machine gunner died in Thua Thein Province on August 18, 1968. He was survived by his mother and a sister."

The Philadelphia Daily News
October 26, 1987

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