Dean Eddie Clinton
Chief Warrant Officer 2
Army of the United States
Dix, Illinois
October 12, 1946 to June 05, 1973
(Incident Date June 11, 1967)
DEAN E CLINTON is on the Wall at Panel 21E, Line 87
See the full profile or name rubbing for Dean Clinton

Dean E Clinton
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Dean E Clinton


05 Jan 1998


In Memory of
Dean "Eddie" Clinton
Missing In Action
Chief Warrant Officer Helicopter Pilot

Born October 12, 1946 - MIA June 11, 1967
Dix, Illinois
Flight School Class WORWAC 66-23
Company C, 227th Aviation Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile)

On June 11, 1967, WO1 Thomas F. Riggs, pilot; WO Dean E. Clinton, co-pilot; SP5 James R. Nelson, crew chief; and passengers WO1 Quentin R. Beecher and SP4 Ralph E. Uhlmansiek; departed Landing Zone Uplift, Qui Nhon airfield in the southern coastal region of Binh Dinh Province, South Vietnam. The crew and passengers were aboard a UH1D helicopter (serial #63-12958), call sign "Bamboo Viper 47", on an operations mission in the province. At 1900 hours, Bamboo Viper 47 left the LZ at Qui Nhon. While en route, bad weather was encountered, and the pilot requested assistance in determining his position. Efforts by Tuy Hoa and Qui Nhon airfields, and airborne search and rescue control aircraft failed to locate the aircraft to guide it to the airfield. At 2057 hours, the pilot reported that he was out of fuel, and was willing to make a water landing. Search and rescue efforts started immediately, and continued until 13 June, but was unsuccessful in locating either the helicopter or its crew and passengers. All were declared Missing in Action, Category 5 (which indicates that it is not felt that remains can be recovered)

On June 5, 1973, Dean Eddie Clinton, and several hundred other American servicemen who were Missing In Action, were declared "dead, body not recovered".

Eddie's name appears on Panel 21E line 87 of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

Eddie's sister-in-law
Judy Clinton
would like to get in touch with men who served with Eddie.

31 May 2004

Dear Family of Eddie Clinton,

For the past 26 years I have worn Eddies' POW bracelet as a reminder of the price paid by so many. When I first requested a bracelet, I wanted someone from close to my home town of Bluford, IL. I was 12 years old when I received Eddie as my companion. On my last trip to the Wall I was leaving my old bracelet that had finally broken and was there with a friend of Eddie's from High School, John Pulliam. I went to the stand to buy a new bracelet and found two of Eddies' there. I know that three are produced for each person missing every seven years. I bought one for myself and for John. I know this did not happen by chance and I thank my God for giving me this special gift. You will never know how much wearing Eddie's bracelet has helped me. At rough times in my life I have only to look as far as the end of my arm to remind me I have so much to be grateful for. I often wonder about what he was like and if he knew how much it was appreciated for what he was doing. I say a special prayer for his family each night and this Memorial Day is no different other than I feel so much more in awe of him, our service men and women and their families. They are not forgotten but honored and loved even more for the ultimate price paid for the freedom we love so deeply today. May God continue to watch over each of you and keep you in his care.

With unending gratitude,
Sonja Page
Knoxville, TN


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The five men aboard UH-1D 63-12958 on 111 June 1967 were Although all available evidence indicated the aircraft went down in the South China Sea, the five men were carried as missing, and promoted while in that status, until the Secretary of the Army approved Presumptive Findings of Death for all five on 05 June 1973.

The casualty database carries 11 men with dates of death during June 1973:

  • One Air Force officer who died on 03 June;
  • The five men aboard UH-1D 63-12958 whose PFoDs are dated 05 June;
  • One Air Force officer whose OV-10A was shot down in Cambodia on 05 June;
  • One soldier who died of illness on 06 June; and
  • Three Air Force aircrewmen whose HH-53C was shot down in Cambodia on 14 June.

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