David August Acton
United States Navy
Bedford, Indiana
July 01, 1945 to July 05, 1967
DAVID A ACTON is on the Wall at Panel 23E, Line 9
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Combat Action Ribbon
David A Acton
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27 Oct 2007

Years have passed and there were quiet times. But again ... we face our enemies and others follow into your footsteps. The brave will go and some will die. I hope you are there to welcome them ... to somewhere wonderful ... where you have been. Then you can teach of peace and love and forget for a season the rantings and ragings of war. For it goes on and always will until the end of time.

You were so young. I am sure you would be surprised to know you have been missed by me. Over years I married and bore sons. I always thought of you and the father you would have been to your own little ones who got left behind. I hope they grew up happy, but always missing the daddy they only knew for such a short time. I've dreamed of you and our families together. Weird dreams, really. We are all broken in one way or another.

I am proud of who you were and what you did. For the lives you helped to save, people will forever be grateful. You would have made a great physician after the war. But in heaven, you can heal souls and I bet you do that well.

Take heed, my dear old friend. I have never ever forgotten. For some reason, I will love you forever. I hope our paths cross again on our journey into eternity.

From a friend,
Joellynn Beaman Hartnett
Email address is not available


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 05 July 1970 three men from 2nd Bn, 9th Marines were killed in a mortar attack on their night defensive position at Thon Bai An, about 4 kilometers south of Con Thien (Hill 158). They were:


"You guys are the Marine's doctors -
There's none better in the business
than a Navy Corpsman ..."
-- Lieutenant General "Chesty" Puller --

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