Glenn John Zamorski
First Lieutenant
United States Marine Corps
Elizabeth, New Jersey
October 05, 1942 to June 11, 1968
GLENN J ZAMORSKI is on the Wall at Panel W58, Line 31
See the full profile or name rubbing for Glenn Zamorski

Glenn J Zamorski
usmc120.gif 7thfleet.gif hmm-164.gif

Glenn J Zamorski


Glenn J Zamorski


Glenn J Zamorski


Glenn J Zamorski


Glenn J Zamorski


Glenn J Zamorski



A Note from The Virtual Wall

Three men from HMM-164 were killed when their CH-46A (BuNo 150960) was hit in flight by an artillery shell reportedly fired by a battery of the 11th Marines:
  • 1stLt Glenn J. Zamorski, Elizabeth, NJ, pilot
  • Sgt Raymond W. Templeton, Dos Palos, CA, crew chief
  • Cpl Conrad Lerman, Albuquerque, NM, gunner
Although the aircraft broke up in flight, crashed, and burned, the copilot (Lt Dan N. Jones) survived. Additional information is available on the Pop-A-Smoke site

The photo at the top of the page is from Pop-A-Smoke and was taken by Lt Jones. 1stLt Zamorski enlisted in the Marines in May 1964 and eventually entered the Marine Corps Aviation Cadet Training Program. He received his wings and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in June 1967. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross in Feb 1968, cited for landing his aircraft under heavy enemy fire in order to rescue four Marines.

Available records indicate the bodies of the three men were recovered.

In addition to being remembered on the Wall in Washington, 1stLt Zamorski's name appears on the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans' Memorial, which has one panel for each day of the year listing the men who died on that day. The panel for 11 June shows ZamorskiGJ01d.jpg
  • LCpl John J. Foley, Plainfield, 3rd Recon Bn, USMC
  • CPL John M. Frambes, Vineland, C/2/327th Infantry, US Army
  • SP4 Robert G. Reynolds, Neptune, 299th Eng Bn, US Army
  • PFC Thomas H. Jones, Salem, C/1/28th Infantry, US Army
  • 1stLt Glenn J. Zamorski, Elizabeth, HMM-164, USMC
  • CPT Karl W. Mills, Paramus, B/3/82nd Arty, US Army
  • CPL Robert G. Sekva, Princeton, C/2/22nd Infantry, US Army
  • SGT Fred J. Zyck, Flemington, HHC/4/21st Infantry, US Army

Elizabeth Vietnam Memorial dedication on Sept. 21

ELIZABETH--The Eastern NJ Chapter 779 of the Vietnam Veterans of America will host the official dedication and unveiling of the Elizabeth Vietnam Memorial Monument on Sept. 21 at 11 a.m. in Winfield Scott Park on Elizabeth Avenue.

The nine-foot-tall polished black granite monument will stand as memorial to the 29 U.S. servicemen from the City of Elizabeth who were killed in action during the Vietnam War.

"This memorial monument is a symbol of our eternal gratitude to these Elizabeth residents who made the supreme sacrifice," said Herb Worthington, First Vice President of the NJ State Council Vietnam Veterans and past president of Chapter 779.

The monument will bear the names of the 29 men, their branch of service and their dates of birth and death. The sculpture will also feature iconic images of the "Huey" helicopter and Vietnamese bamboo.

The memorial to the servicemen has come to fruition thanks to the diligent work and fund-raising efforts of many individuals, including Union County Sheriff Ralph Froehlich, and veterans groups like the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 779. The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders also contributed funding for the completion of the memorial.

ï¿ 1/2 2006 Suburban News
Thursday, September 21, 2006
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