Everett Albert Wyatt, Jr
Sergeant First Class
Army of the United States
Temple, Texas
March 22, 1927 to February 07, 1968
EVERETT A WYATT Jr is on the Wall at Panel 38E, Line 19
See the full profile or name rubbing for Everett Wyatt


05 Nov 2003

With Fort Hood just down the road from Temple as a teenager I didn't think much about the Army people living in Temple. When I got back from boot camp and was getting ready to go to Vietnam I saw everything in a new light and found out what an idiot I had been. I found out what wonderful people regular Army people were and how much they gave to our town, state, and country. A man that makes the Army his life is more than just a soldier. His deep conviction and dedication carries over into his feeling for his friends, his church, and his town. Everett Wyatt Jr. was that kind of soldier. I never had the honor to met Everett but I know I would of liked him. The people that knew him in Temple just have good things to say about him. He and I will meet one day soon and I will shake his hand and look into his eyes and thank him for his great sacrifice. I will tell him he wasn't forgotten, and I will call him Brother and Comrade and I will stand beside him with honor.

When you see a man or women in uniform go up them and shake their hand and tell them how much you appreciate what they are doing. They are doing it all for us. God bless each and every one of them.

Walter Weddell
EN3 US Navy
PCF 82 Boat

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