Donald Renay Workman
Army of the United States
Kirkwood, Missouri
April 14, 1943 to July 21, 1970
DONALD R WORKMAN is on the Wall at Panel W8, Line 39
See the full profile or name rubbing for Donald Workman

Donald R Workman
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21 Nov 2004

Don Workman and I joined the 1/506th on the same day, and we were promptly delivered to FSB Rendezvous to meet the battalion commander. I remember Don as friendly, smart, dedicated, as a good soldier, and a fine officer. Don spent almost his entire tour in the field, a rarity for an officer in those days. He was a rifle platoon leader, recon platoon leader, I believe, and finally, he assumed command of Delta Company upon my departure. Don was killed during actions around Fire Support Base Ripcord, only days before his scheduled departure from Vietnam. I think of him often.

Patrick Skinner

21 Nov 2005

Ranger, I just want to thank you for your fine leadership during a very difficult time for Delta Company.

From what I understand you did not have to go on this mission because you were "short" and didn't have much time left in Nam.

You went because you didn't want to leave us troops with a new Commanding Officer who had not been out to the "bush" yet.

Delta Company lost some fine young men on July 20th and 21st 1970.
I feel fortunate that I survived this battle.
You will never be forgotten, Sir.

Tony Cox
Delta Co. 1/506 1970-1971
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 21 July 1970 D Company, 1/506th Infantry, was working in the A Shau Valley when they came under heavy enemy fire. The company lost four men killed in the action, including the Company Commander: A fifth, PFC Ronald J. Schultz of Hillsboro, Kansas, was wounded but not killed by the enemy fire; he fell from a medevac helicopter as it lifted off while under fire. His body was not recovered.

Captain Workman was graduated from the US Military Academy with the Class of 1968, but he had prior enlisted service - he was a Sergeant (E-5) when he was appointed to the Academy.

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