Michael Lee Woodside
Army of the United States
Long Beach, California
November 09, 1946 to March 06, 1969
MICHAEL L WOODSIDE is on the Wall at Panel W30, Line 59
See the full profile or name rubbing for Michael Woodside

Michael L Woodside
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10 Oct 2004

Captain Michael Woodside was not only a war hero, but so much more. He was a hometown newspaper boy, an altar boy, an Eagle Scout, a surfer, a horrible mechanic, a wonderful son to his parents, an extraordinary older brother, and a loving and devoted husband to Marilyn and their beautiful children: Beth, Kathy, and Monica. While he was taken from us prior to Monica's birth, there is no doubt he loves and watches over all of them. He had a quick wit, an infectious smile, and a heart bigger than the world. He is, and will always be, missed by many. His death forever changed the lives of countless individuals, and not, I might add, for the better.

God bless you, Mike...

Penelope Woodside


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Two men died when their OH-6A (tail number 67-16025) was shot down while conducting a low level search in bad weather for a downed AH-1G:
  • 1LT Billy Gene Creech, pilot, A Btry, 377th Arty Rgt
  • CPT Michael Lee Woodside, observer, HHB, 2nd Bn, 320th Arty Rgt

The AH-1G (tail number 67-15845, A/4/77th Arty) had been shot down earlier in the day while conducting an attack. The two crewmen, CPT John T. McDonnell and 1LT Ronald Greenfield, had not been located at the time Creech and Woodside went down. Although Greenfield was picked up on 07 March, Captain McDonnell was not recovered.

In addition to the Silver Star, awarded for valor in combat, Captain Woodside received the Army's highest award for personal courage in a non-combat situation: he was awarded the Soldier's Medal for entering a burning village and rescuing three Vietnamese children.

Captain Woodside received his commission through the Fort Sill Artillery Officer Candidate School with Class 1967-04. At least two of his classmates also died in Vietnam:

  • 1LT Stephen L. Beck, 13 Sep 1968, HHC, 1st Inf Div
  • 1LT Fred Z. Washburn, 02 Oct 1968, 71ST AHC

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