James Robert Woods
Army of the United States
Portland, Oregon
March 13, 1947 to August 11, 1969
JAMES R WOODS is on the Wall at Panel W19, Line 6
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Woods

James R Woods
usarv.gif 1infdiv1.gif 4thcavrgt.gif

07 Dec 2006

I just want to say that I was with Woody on the late afternoon he was killed and that his death was very hard on everyone in the platoon, especially the lieutenant that he served so well as his RTO. Woody was a really good soldier with only a month or so to go before going home, and it was his death that taught me at a young age that life is often not fair or just. I also want to say that at a reunion held by his unit last summer, Woody's memory was alive and well, and he will never be forgotten.

From a member of Woody's platoon,
Daryl Fisher

20 Dec 2006

Portlander Dies in War - Army Sgt. James R. Woods, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Woods, 5119 SE 41st Ave., was killed in Vietnam 11 Aug (1969) as a result of hostile action, the Department of Defense has reported. Sgt. Woods, 22 had served in Vietnam since 4 Oct (1968), following basic training at Ft. Lewis WA and had extended his obligatory service in Vietnam for two months. He entered the service as a draft volunteer in May, 1968. Sgt. Woods was a graduate of Woodstock Grade School and Cleveland High School, where his activities in the band earned him a letter. He also attended Western Business University in Portland for one year. Funeral arrangements are pending with Mt. Scott Funeral Home. Interment is planned at Willamette National Cemetery with military honors. Sgt. Woods was the 517th Oregon man killed in Vietnam, the 113th since the start of 1969.

The Oregonian, Portland OR, 20 Aug 1969)

Courtesy of
Darilee Bednar

Faces from the Wall


A Note from The Virtual Wall

D Troop, 1/4th Cavalry, lost two men on 11 August 1969 - SGT James R. Woods and PFC Michael H. Lawhon of Noblesville, Indiana.

Sergeant Woods is buried in the Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, Oregon.

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