Walter Sutton Wood
Lieutenant Commander
United States Navy
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
June 14, 1931 to May 02, 1966
WALTER S WOOD is on the Wall at Panel 7E, Line 19
See the full profile or name rubbing for Walter Wood

Walter S Wood
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Walter S Wood


7 Apr 2003

For LCDR Wood And All The Other Brave Men And Women Who Never Made It Home

A Prayer For Those Lost In Battle

O God and Father of us all, we gather in sincere gratitude for all those who, at their country's call, have met the rude shock of battle and have surrendered their lives amid the ruthless brutalities of war. Forbid that their suffering and death should be in vain. We beseech you that, through their devotion to duty and suffering, the horrors of war may pass from earth and that your kingdom of right and honor, of peace and brotherhood, may be established among men. Comfort, O Lord, all who mourn the loss of those near and dear to them, especially the families of our departed brothers. Support them by your love. Give them faith to look beyond the trials of the present and to know that neither life nor death can separate us from the love and care of Christ Jesus, in whose name we pray.


From one who remembers,
R. Riley

16 Sep 2004

Walter S. Wood is my "Missing In Action" brother. I wear a bracelet bearing his name and continue to ask our government for answers concerning him.

He will NOT be forgotten!!

The Panman

18 Dec 2005

I found a bracelet bearing the name of LCDR Walter Wood. The date on it matches the date of his death. If anyone knows the owner of the bracelet, you are welcome to contact me and I will make sure to return it. I hope and pray for his family.

Raven Lynn F.


Notes from The Virtual Wall

Walter Sutton Wood was graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point with the Class of 1956, taking his commission in the Navy. He completed flight training as a light attack pilot flying the A-4 Skyhawk.

On 02 May 1966, flying A-4 BuNo 151034, Lieutenant Commander Wood conducted an armed reconnaissance flight over North Vietnam. While returning to the ship, he and his wingman detoured to release unexpended ordnance (in Wood's case, a single 5" Zuni air-to-ground rocket) against NVA positions on Hon Ngu Island, just offshore near the city of Vinh. Although the circumstances are unclear, LCDR Wood ejected from his A-4 immediately after weapons release, and his wingman was able to follow Wood's fully deployed parachute to a water landing offshore the island. The wingman then watched helplessly as Wood remained motionless in the water for about ten minutes before being dragged under the surface. Navy SAR helicopter searches of the area failed to recover his body, nor have his remains been repatriated by the Vietnamese government.

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