Larry Allen Williamson
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Racine, Wisconsin
November 22, 1944 to May 21, 1967
LARRY A WILLIAMSON is on the Wall at Panel 20E, Line 80
See the full profile or name rubbing for Larry Williamson


19 Sep 2005

I worked with Larry at the Dumore Company in Racine, Wisconsin. The last time I saw him he was home on leave and had orders for Vietnam. I remember him as one who kept to himself and didn't bother anyone. I just think he deserves to be remembered for his sacrifice.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 21 May 1967, 1st Platoon, K Troop, 3/11th ACR, was conducting a normal resupply run along National Route 1 from the Gia Ray Rock Quarry to the intersection of Route 1 and Provincial Route 2. Shortly after passing through Suoi Cat village and crossing over the Song Rai stream, the column came under attack by a large VC force. The ambush began with recoilless rifle fire which immediately destroyed several of the platoon's tracks and damaged others. By the time reinforcements arrived on scene, 16 men were dead:
  • SSG James A. Jackson, Seaside, CA
  • SP5 William P. Centers, Lexington, KY
  • SGT Eugene H. Dickinson, Northfield, VT
  • SGT Alfred Lee, Rosehill, VA
  • SP4 Toler L. Hutchins, Colt, AR
  • SP4 Phillip E. Ireland, Trappe, MD
  • SP4 Henry D. McInnis, Meridian, MS
  • SP4 James D. McWhorter, Blue Springs, MS
  • SP4 Anthony W. Roybal, Trinidad, CO
  • SP4 James T. Steighner, Saxonburg, PA
  • SP4 Dwight E. Timberlake, Livonia, MI
  • SP4 Larry A. Williamson, Racine, WI
  • PFC Patrick M. Loisel, Chatsworth, CA (M Troop with K Troop)
  • PFC Rodolfo A. Saenz, Mercedes, TX
  • PFC William C. Stanley, Warwick, RI
  • PVT Jerry L. Houser, Sacramento, CA
One other, track commander SSgt Walter Simpson, was missing in action. He was in one of the tracks which was hit and set ablaze by R/R fire. Although the badly burned remains of three other men in the track were recovered, Sergeant Simpson's body could not be identified. A year and a day after the engagement, on 22 May 1968, the Army changed Simpson's status from MIA to Killed in Action/Body not Recovered.

A detailed description of the action can be found on the K Troop web site

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