Ralph Leroy Williams
First Lieutenant
Army of the United States
Billings, Montana
June 15, 1940 to February 15, 1968
RALPH L WILLIAMS is on the Wall at Panel 39E, Line 56
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Ralph L Williams
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Ralph L Williams


15 Nov 2006

My name is Patrick Hansen. I am an Army ROTC cadet at the University of Texas. I appreciate tremendously the sacrifice that Ralph Williams made for his country.

Patrick Hansen


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 5th Infantry history contains the following entry for 14 Feb 1968:
"On February 14, 1968, The battalion conducted RIF operations. Company B and Company C worked the area east of Hoc Mon. Company A worked the area 6 kilometers south of Hoc Mon. Companies B and C began blowing bunkers they encountered in their respective areas and discovered VC bodies, weapons, equipment, and a number of US weapons and documents.

"At 1210 hours, Company C reported light contact with an unknown sized enemy force 2 kilometers northeast of Hoc Mon. The fight escalated and an APC from Company C was hit by an RPG and caught fire. Company C requested a dust-off for 3 wounded Bobcats at 1344 hours. At 1436 hours they reported one Bobcat killed. Company B and the Recon platoon reinforced the Company C elements. At 1631 hours, a dust-off was requested for three more wounded Bobcats. At 1800 hours, tank cannons and artillery were fired to cover an attempt to extract wounded from the contact area. At 1823 hours Company C requested a dust-off. Two wounded and one dead Bobcat were placed on this dust-off. At 1855 hours, Companies B and C set up a perimeter. All the wounded were dusted-off. At 2006 hours, it was reported that 6 Bobcats from Company C and one Bobcat from Company B were known to be dead, but that the bodies of six of them had not yet been recovered.

"On February 15, 1968, an assault was planned into the area of Company Cï¿ 1/2 s previous contact. ... At 1137 hours, five of the MIAs were located at XT 773046. ... At 1155 hours, the body of the 6th MIA was located in the burned APC at XT 770045."

The seven men killed in the action were

  • Bravo Company:
  • Charlie Company:
    • 1LT David G. Isbell, Huntsville, TX
    • 1LT Ralph L. Williams, Billings, MT (Dist Svc Cross)
    • SGT Richard P. Vellance, Saginaw, MI
    • SP4 Earl Mack, Cambridge, MD
    • PFC David E. Keister, Reynoldsburg, OH
    • PFC Roger G. Wilson, Oklahoma City, OK

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