Fredrick Henry Williams, Jr
First Lieutenant
United States Marine Corps
Sutter Creek, California
June 08, 1943 to May 26, 1968
FREDRICK H WILLIAMS Jr is on the Wall at Panel W65, Line 2
See the full profile or name rubbing for Fredrick Williams

Combat Action Ribbon
Fredrick H Williams
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02 Mar 2008

Freddie is among the most outstanding people of my lifetime.
He was among the most popular, athletic, talented, and
all around good people in Sutter Creek,
Amador County High School, Class of 1961.

When my mother phoned me in Ohio to tell me that
Freddie had just died in Vietnam, I was especially shocked,
because she hadnï¿ 1/2 t told me at all that
he was in Vietnam; it was the same year when
my husband Bill first was there, too.

Of Freddieï¿ 1/2 s service in Vietnam, a close family member intimated
he was fully devoted to freedomï¿ 1/2 s mission against Communism,
and had stated he would "not come home until" the job was done
or he was [not able to serve any longer].

In my deepest belief in our evolving spirit given eternal life,
we may all yet return again, perhaps knowing him again,
as Ben Franklin intimated of himself, like new book editions,
all new again, and with even greater improvements.

For now, I will remember Freddie especially
for having known him as I did, and
more for his own avowed devotion to Freedom,
my understanding as universal,
Freedom principles under God, in the ongoing evolution
of humanity especially at this time today on earth.

From a friend,
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 16 May 1968 India Company, 3/27 Marines, was placed under operational control of 3rd Bn, 7th Marines and inserted into the vicinity of Le Nam hamlet on Go Noi Island as part of Operation ALLEN BROOK. The remainder of 3/27 was to arrive on the 17th.

Early on the 17th India 3/27 was heavily engaged with an NVA battalion and began taking serious casualties. Meanwhile, the arrival of 3/27's other rifle companies was delayed due to a lack of airlift assets; the first elements of Kilo 3/27 were not airborne until about 1300 and the lift was not completed until 1730. Even so, the arrival of the first elements relieved some pressure on India 3/27, and a move to contact by Kilo, Lima, and Mike companies allowed a link-up with India by 1930.

It developed that India 3/27 had encountered one of three NVA/VC battalions in the area. Over the next 9 days, the 3/27 Marines endured a bitter fight centered around Le Bac hamlet. The last Marine killed in the fight was 1stLt F. H. Williams, executive officer of C Company, 1st Tanks, on 26 May - the last of 60 Marines and sailors killed in and around Le Bac.

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