Craig Emery Williams
Army of the United States
Lakewood, California
April 26, 1947 to March 06, 1969
CRAIG E WILLIAMS is on the Wall at Panel W30, Line 61
See the full profile or name rubbing for Craig Williams


08 Nov 2005


You were one of the guys in school who everyone admired. Football player, athlete of the year, handsome guy who made a lot of girl's hearts flutter. I remember you had a pretty good sense of humor, too.

I was gone from Lakewood when you went into the Army and I didn't hear about your death until about six months after it happened. I was always sad I couldn't come to your funeral. You left a big hole in a lot of people's hearts.

You'll always be remembered. I just wanted to make sure you were memorialized on this The Virtual Wall, too.

From a schoolmate,
Susan Moore
E-mail address is not available.

28 Sep 2007

My friend Craig, this is Richard, an ole chum who knew you from Cerritos College. I too was in Vietnam at the same time you were, left the states in December 68 also. I still have the letters you sent me while I was going to boot camp and training. This I remember: because your letters were on Army letterhead and since I was in the USMC my DI would get mad, especially when you would put "Army Kicks Ass" on the outside. I think you did that to get me in trouble.

When I had a chance to call home in March of 1969 my mother told me you had passed. I had often wondered if we would ever cross paths - well, that never happened but hey, one day we will. I've had a fairly good life; I did get hurt overseas and got out on a medical in 1971. I often go by and see you at Rose Hills ... I finally found you. It's a good feeling to sit there and think of the old days, my GTO and your SS Chevelle, we were styling in those days. Well, my friend, I could sit here and write forever, but one thing for sure is that I do think of you often - like whenever I hear a Johnny Mathis song. Till the day -

Your Buddy,

Richard A. Moya


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 06 March 1969 the 1st Bn, 12th Cavalry lost five men while operating in Bien Hoa Province:
  • A Company:
    • CPL Steve E. Lowery, Forest City, NC
    • CPL Craig E. Williams, Lakewood, CA

  • C Company:
    • SGT Robert E. Leamen, Redmond, OR
    • SP4 George R. Avgerinos, South Holland, IL
    • CPL Eugene Elder, New York, NY

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