Michael Broderick Wier
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Buffalo, New York
January 02, 1945 to April 12, 1969
MICHAEL B WIER is on the Wall at Panel W27, Line 69
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Michael B Wier
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12 Apr 2005

Howdy, Bullwinkle.

1LT Malarik gave you that nickname and it stuck because you were so tall. You were "tall" in so many respects: highly intellegent, well-educated, even-tempered, unprejudiced, and a damned-good infantryman. You were the most highly respected enlisted man in Bravo Company - an honor which you earned the hard way because of your example and deeds over the course of almost eight months in Vietnam.

Why, oh why, did the Army stick you of all people in the infantry? You were drafted after losing your student deferment while going for your masters in bio-chemistry in graduate school. They should have made you an officer in the Chemical Corps. As it turned out, you were killed in action at approximately 2230 Hrs. on 4/12/69 (exactly 36 years ago today) about 3 kilometers northeast of Binh Phuoc, Long An Province due to a gunshot wound to the head.

Our medic, SP4 Gene "Doc" Johnston, told me later that he managed to bring you back to life for a minute or two, but it was hopeless. They finally had to call SGT Gonzalo "Poncho" Ruelas over to lower your body down from the top of the track because no one else would do it. My track driver, SP4 Thomas Horrmann, was the guy who had to identify your body the next day.

All of your buddies in 3rd Platoon were completely devastated at the news of the loss of both you and your squad leader, SGT Scott Douglas Schoeben, at the same time. Nobody talked or joked or could even eat much for days afterwards. You will never be forgotten by your fellow "Panthers".

By the way, you were the only guy in Vietnam who could occasionally beat me at a game of chess. I'm looking forward to our next match so get ready!

Jeffrey (Jeff) Edward Northridge

19 Apr 2005

Brother Michael,

It's been many years since the night that we lost both you and Scott Schoeben on that ambush patrol. I feel that pain every year when April 12th comes around. The same pain shared by your family. Two years ago on April 12th, 2003, our platoon got together at Fort Benning, Georgia. We had a Regimental Dinner. They post the colors [flags] while we all were standing, and ended with the playing of Taps. As Taps played though the hall with the echo from the back Trumpeter, I said to myself with my wife by my side, "This playing of Taps was for Wier and Schoeben" ... Long over-due for me. I miss you guys. "I will never forget". And I know I speak for the whole platoon. Miss both of you.

Brother Tom

From a friend and Brother,
Tom Horrmann

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