Robert Franklin Weimorts
Lieutenant Commander
United States Navy
Eight Mile, Alabama
December 23, 1934 to April 22, 1966
ROBERT F WEIMORTS is on the Wall at Panel 6E, Line 127
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Weimorts

Robert F Weimorts
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Robert F Weimorts



Robert and his family had always been close neighhors of ours. His mother and my mother usually had morning coffee together all during the 50's and 60's.

Robert knew at a young age that he would one day become a Navy Aviator. All through school (elementary and high school) he took courses which whould help him to accomplish this goal. He and my brother attended Perkinston Junior College together and were roommates. My brother (who is deceased now) went on to become a Marine, and Robert went into the Navy to become that Navy Flyer he had always trained himself to be.

He planned his last mission from the USS KITTY HAWK, and gave his life for our country doing what he loved, flying.

Aim High, my Friend.
God Bless You.
It is my prayer that you are still flying ....

LCDR Robert F. Weimorts, pilot, and and Bombardier/Navigator LTJG William B. Nickerson were assigned to the Black Falcons of Attack Squadron EIGHTY FIVE (VA-85) embarked in USS KITTY HAWK. VA-85 flew the A-6A INTRUDER all-weather attack bomber. The INTRUDER was equipped with sophisticated radar and navigation systems which permitted the aircraft to operate effectively against a broad spectrum of targets regardless of weather or time of day.

On April 22, 1966, the two were assigned an armed reconnaissance mission over North Vietnam. In this type mission, the crew would use their radars to detect and prosecute convoys or even individual trucks.

The armed recce area included the north-south Highway 1 in the vicinity of Vinh (Ha Tinh Province). After pulling out from a bombing run on a target near the city of Vinh, Weimorts' wingman observed Weimorts' aircraft impact the water about 5 miles offshore. The cause of the crash was unknown. Neither Weimorts nor Nickerson was seen to eject. No survivors or remains were recovered.

A memorial from his Friend And Former Neighbor,
Ron Moore 
01 Aug 2001

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