Barry Kent Weaver
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Solon, Ohio
March 02, 1950 to June 19, 1970
BARRY K WEAVER is on the Wall at Panel W9, Line 69
See the full profile or name rubbing for Barry Weaver

Barry K Weaver
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07 Mar 2006

Barry was born March 2, 1950 in Cincinnati, Ohio and was the first born son of Helen and Floyd Weaver. His parents divorced about 2 years later after the birth of his sister Sheri. His mother remarried Joseph Steffen and together they had 5 more children. I am the second youngest of 7 children, 10 years younger than Barry.

He attended Deer Park High School until 1967 when our family moved to Solon, Ohio. Barry played Varsity Basketball for the Solon Comets and graduated from Solon High School in 1968.

Due to a broken arm, Barry's basic training was delayed until late 1969, and his tour in Vietnam began shortly after where he operated a bulldozer. He was killed in action on 6/19/1970 in Cambodia just a few weeks before we pulled our troops out of that country.

Barry was the sweetest, kindest brother a young girl could ask for. I looked up to him and loved going to church with him because he always bragged about my good behavior to my mother.

Barry had a deep sense of duty and love for his country and looked forward to joining the Army. I think he wanted to get out of the household and who could blame him, with 6 siblings running underneath him constantly?

I am proud of his sacrifice, but I would give anything to have him back.

Mary McHugh

Barry, around age 2.

Sister Sherry, Barry (age 16), Aunt Doris


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 984th Engineer Company lost three men on 19 June 1970:
  • SP5 Francis A. Bond, Westminster, MA;
  • CPL Charles E. Thornton, Bryan, TX; and
  • PFC Barry K. Weaver, Solon, OH.

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