James Harold Waulk, Jr
Army of the United States
Washington Court House, Ohio
March 16, 1950 to February 20, 1970
JAMES H WAULK Jr is on the Wall at Panel W13, Line 38
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Waulk


05 May 2003

My name is Ray W. Cage and I was a buddy of Jimmy's. We hit it off immediately, because I have an Uncle and and Aunt who live in Columbus, Ohio. My home state is Texas and I currently live in Arizona.

We came in-country (Nam) about the same time. The company had been back at a Landing Zone firebase when we got the call the company was going back out.

The night before I really pleaded with Jimmy to stop walking point, but he wouldn't. The company was flown out in the Hueys, and they dropped us in some mountains on the down side of a bunker complex. We spent the night and word came down from the Captain that Lt. Smith's platoon would walk point. There would be 2 point men. Jimmy was on the left and Bill Wood (OH) was on the right. It was a bright clear morning and I was in the right column, and I was watching Jimmy. The opposition had been watching us all night and had set up a B-40 rocket. They hit us with it and the rocket hit a mound of bamboo right in front of Jimmy, and he died immediately. Bill Wood was mortally wounded in the neck and died as he was being lifted out by medevac helicopter.

Last summer I was able to go to Washington Court House, Ohio, and visit and have lunch with his former in-laws. They were very gracious and drove me out to his grave site. I sat down and put my hand on his marker and had my photo taken. I'll always remember you, brother.

Ray W. Cage

Note: Jimmy's brothers and sisters can contact me at cageray@yahoo.com . Thanks

A Note from The Virtual Wall

Mr. Cage refers to
Sergeant William Wayne Wood,
Alliance, Ohio.

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