John Alan Ware
Staff Sergeant
Army of the United States
Hermiston, Oregon
February 13, 1949 to August 21, 1978
(Incident Date November 04, 1969)
JOHN A WARE is on the Wall at Panel W16, Line 32
See the full profile or name rubbing for John Ware

John A Ware
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John A Ware


29 Nov 2001

John Alan Ware was born in Pendleton Oregon on February 13, 1949. He was the younger of two sons born to Cecil and Aileen Ware. John grew up in Oregon, attended elementary and junior high school at Stanfield School, and graduated from Hermiston High School in 1967. John was lost along with SFC James Klimo, WO Terry Alford and WO Jim Cavender in the crash of UH-1 67-19512 near Khan Hoa, South Vietnam.

John Alan Ware was awarded the Air Medal with several Oak Leaf Clusters, the Army Commendation Medal, the Military Service Medal, the Rifle and Machine Gun Award, the Auto Rifle Award, the Crew Chief Award with Crew Member Wings, the Good Conduct Medal, and the Purple Heart.ï¿ 1/2 John was promoted to Staff Sergeant after being declared missing on November 4, 1969. He was reclassified as "Died while Missing" on August 19, 1978. His body, along with those of his fellow crewmembers, is still missing.

John was a highly skilled crew chief and a respected member of the 281st AHC. He was a friend to all. John Alan Ware shall never be forgotten by the 281st Flight.

John was adopted by Jack Mayhew who completed his "Book Of Remembrance" for the 281st AHC web site.

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281st Assault Helicopter Company

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18 May 2002

To Whom it May Concern,

My name is Alan John Ware, born in Massachusetts. I saw John Alan Ware's name on the monument during my visit to Washington DC, May 1999. I was touched when I saw his name. I felt a new energy when I read a name so similar to mine. I still think of that day from time to time. I also thank John Ware for making the ultimate sacrifice. Thank You for giving me the chance to express my feelings.

Best Wishes,

10 Feb 2004

In 1970 I ordered my POW-MIA stainless steel bracelet to show my support of our missing serviceman in any way I could. The randomly selected bracelet that I received was of

"SPEC. 5 JOHN WARE 11-4-69"

I have worn the bracelet since then and have often tried to find our more about John Ware. After finding this website today I find that John and I were born in the same year, graduated from high school in the same year, and were both from Oregon. I believe that there are no coincidences in life. Just today I was able to put a face to the bracelet I've guarded so long. As I read the dated articles featuring his Mother I shed tears for her once again and know the particular closeness a Mother has with her son, as I am the Mother to sons also. I would once again like to send my thanks (although this would will never be enough) for John Ware, his family, and all of the other POW-MIA's and their families for the greatest sacrifice that could ever be made. They may be gone but will never be forgotten.

With highest regard and graditude,
D. Stillman

6 Feb 2005

I am cleaning out my basement today and found my copper MIA Bracelet purchased in 1970 with John Ware's name embossed - I can't believe that via the Internet I could type in his name and find this page. If there are any family members that would like this bracelet, feel free to contact me,

Robin Cameron

PS. Like other writers, when I grew up I had my first baby in Hermiston, Oregon ... my husband was the Editor of the Herald in 1973.

04 Sep 2005

I was touched when I read this, as my father's name is John Ware. Long may his memory remain.

Becci Ware

20 Oct 2005

Thank you for having this memorial out here. It's been thirty years ago since I wore the bracelet with his name on it and just this evening was still thinking about him and his family. May God continue to comfort them and give them grace for every moment they think of him. ...still in my prayers.

Audrey Tucker
Mulhall, Oklahoma

17 Nov 2005

It is November 17, 2005, the week before Thanksgiving.

It is with great sadness that I make an entry in the memorial for John. I was a high school student in Los Alamitos, Ca. when I first knew John Ware and wore my bracelet with his name, graduating in 1975. I wore it faithfully for several years, never daring to remove it. By wearing it, I was hoping that somehow this would bring him back to his family waiting for news of him.

It is now 2005, thirty years later. And I have kept the sacred bracelet all this time. I found it in our bookcase. My husband must have found it in a box, and it is displayed proudly.

We now have our own son, a college student, who is 20 years old. He is the same age that John Ware was when he went missing. I can only mourn for his parents from the depths of my soul. Please know that some strangers are giving thanks for his sacrifice this Thanksgiving, and have never forgotten him.

I would also like to offer my bracelet to John's family. If not, I will always treasure it.

E-mail address is not available.

16 Jun 2006

As I viewed the Moving Wall during its recent visit to Fairbanks, Alaska I again took time to pause and remember John and several more friends. John and I both graduated from Hermiston Senior High School in Hermiston, Oregon but I was a year behind him. He went in the Army and I became a Marine serving in-country with the 2/26th. Every Veterans' Day and Memorial Day I take the time to remember my friends who never came home. John has always been the first one that I think about and then the flood gates open and all my memories, good and bad return. The few days that it takes to get myself back under emotional control are the small price that I will continue to pay. John, I look forward to seeing you one day in Heaven. I know that you are there because you served your time in hell. Remembered forever. Your friend Bob

Robert Gray

17 Aug 2007

It is 11:25 PM as I write this. I have just dug out my silver bracelet that I had received in 1970. I was in 10th grade in Los Angeles, and wore it every day, praying for this faceless soldier. Spec 5 John Ware 11-4-69 was all I knew, until tonight. I have wondered for years who he was, where he was from, and what happened to him. He had become a part of me, a piece of who I was and will always be.

Thank you for making this information possible to us all, the ones that kept his name in our hearts for so long. I did not realize that others carried his name as well. And as the others I see a similarity, even though small. My mother died in that very same month. As his mother lost a son, I lost a mother.

May the God of Peace bring rest to his soul.

Alene Gamel
E-mail address is not available.

21 Feb 2008

Hello, my name is Christine D'Ascenzo and I bought John Ware's bracelet in 1972. I got it in Houston, Texas and have wondered for years where "my guy" was and what the circumstances of his death. When I read the "bio" I cried. To think that this young man lost his life at age 20 breaks my heart. I would like to be able to contact or to be contacted by his family.

With many warm feelings and much gradatude for his service to his country...

Christine A. D'Ascenzo
2008 Barry Cove, Oxford, Mississippi 38655

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