Leonard Frederick Vogt, Jr
United States Navy
Cincinnati, Ohio
June 07, 1925 to September 18, 1965
LEONARD F VOGT Jr is on the Wall at Panel 2E, Line 90
See the full profile or name rubbing for Leonard Vogt

Leonard F Vogt
cva62.gif NAIRWING-CVW-2.png va75.gif

Memorial Service Quotation
September 23, 1965
Oceana Naval Air Station Chapel
Virginia Beach, Virginia

No useless coffin enclosed his breast
No sheet or shroud was around him.
But he died like a warrior taking his rest
With his martial cloak about him.

Not slowly or sadly was he laid down
In the sea that beheld his story
So we'll carve not a line of his fame little known
We'll just leave him alone with his glory.

With affection, sympathy and my blessing, Father Roland, MSSST

CDR Leonard F. Vogt and LT Robert F. Barber were lost at sea when their A-6A INTRUDER went down in the Gulf of Tonkin offshore North Vietnam. Their bodies were not recovered.

A memorial from his daughter,
Patricia A. Vogt Gleason
9 Nov 2001

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