David Vasquez
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
San Juan Bautista, California
September 19, 1945 to March 22, 1967
DAVID VASQUEZ is on the Wall at Panel 17E, Line 25
See the full profile or name rubbing for David Vasquez

David Vasquez
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Most of the men in Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry, had been together since Basic Training at Fort Lewis, Washington; all were friends. They were the best friends and soldiers I ever knew.

On 22 March 1967, Alpha 1/8 was ambushed by a North Vietnamese Battalion near Polei Duc in the Valley of Tears (the Plei Trap Valley). No-one shirked his duty or lost his nerve, and the bravery they showed was beyond belief - a Medal of Honor, two DSC's, seven Silver Stars, and many Bronze Stars were earned that day, but we lost friends and brothers.

The men who died that day in the Battle at Polei Duc will be remembered by those who didn't until we eventually rejoin them.

Visit the
4th Infantry Division

A memorial from his Comrade-in-arms,
John Nelson
28 Jul 2001

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