Stephen Charles Valliere
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Tupper Lake, New York
August 26, 1947 to April 28, 1966
STEPHEN C VALLIERE is on the Wall at Panel 7E, Line 6
See the full profile or name rubbing for Stephen Valliere

Combat Action Ribbon
Stephen C Valliere
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02 Oct 2004


by his cousin.
E-mail address is not available.

12 Jun 2005

Tupper Lake Marine
Killed in Action in Viet-Nam

Mr. and Mrs. Donat C. Valliere, 5 1/2 Broad St, have been notified that their only son. Pfc. Stephen C. Valliere, 18, was killed in action in Viet Nam on Thursday, April 28.

The first Tupper Lake boy to die in the conflict in Viet Nam, he had been in Marine Corps service less than ten months, and only about three months in the war zone. His body will be flown back to the States, and is expected to arrive here within a few days. Military funeral honors will be accorded here.

Pfc. Valliere was born in Tupper Lake August 26. 1947, and was graduated from Holy Ghost Academy here last June. He enlisted in the U. S. Marine Corps on July 7, at 17, and trained at Parris Island, S. C. and Camp Lejeune, N. C. and was stationed from November until mid-December at Camp Pendleton. Calif. before his outfit shipped out.

After a training break en route of a couple of weeks in Okinawa he arrived in Viet Nam January 28th.

News of his death in action was brought to Tupper Lake Thursday.

The Tupper Lake Free Press and Herald
Date unknown

Photo and text courtesy of
Brian Lenhart


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 3/1 Marines' Command Chronology indicates that a patrol from Kilo Company was engaged on 26 April with one Marine wounded - and that the Marine died of his wounds before the Chronology was signed out on 01 May 1966. While the Marine's name is not given, the circumstances make it virtually certain Pfc Valliere is the Marine wounded on 26 April 1966.

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