Patrick Joseph Tremblay
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Conesus, New York
July 19, 1949 to March 17, 1968
PATRICK J TREMBLAY is on the Wall at Panel 45E, Line 16
See the full profile or name rubbing for Patrick Tremblay


29 Nov 2005

One of nine children, he was quiet, serious, took no short cuts and took life head on. He was my best friend, who is missed every day.

From a friend,
Richard Wester

11 Feb 2006

Patrick is my brother. He died trying to take a hill called "Rocket Ridge". It was his first combat mission. There were at least 6 fire fights that day. He was just introduced to his company commander, and just met several men from his squad ... He went straight into combat. He didn't get much of a chance to know the men he was fighting with.

He was hit by a mortar ... after talking to the men he was with, I know his death was instantaneous. I know they all wanted to make it home ... Some were not as lucky as others. I HOPE WE NEVER FORGET THEM. I will see you in Heaven, Brother.

From his brother,
Henry Tremblay
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Alpha Company, 1/503rd Infantry, lost three men on 17 March 1968:
  • SGT Daniel L. Burr, Milwaukee, WI;
  • SP4 James G. Blackshear, Starke, FL; and
  • PFC Patrick J. Tremblay, Conesus, NY.
Between 13 and 18 March 1968 the 1st Bn, 503rd Infantry, was operating in the hills around Dak To, Kontum Province. "Rocket Ridge" was the nickname given to a ridgeline which more or less paralleled Highway QL-14 between Tan Canh and Kontum City. The Battalion lost 22 men over the course of the five day operation.

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