Lawrence Curtis Thompson
United States Marine Corps
New York, New York
November 24, 1946 to June 10, 1967
LAWRENCE C THOMPSON is on the Wall at Panel 21E, Line 85
See the full profile or name rubbing for Lawrence Thompson

Combat Action Ribbon

8 Aug 2002


by his comrades in arms from
VVA Chapter 421.

Placed by another Vietnam veteran,
Lester Modelowitz

26 Mar 2004


From his sister's son,
Lawrence Hicks
194 Labonte Dr Martinsburg Wv

12 Oct 2005


By your sister. You will always be my hero.

Deborah Daniels

01 Jun 2006


I think of you often.
Your Grade School buddy, Tommy F.
E-mail address is not available.

02 Sep 2007

Larry, I went to high school with you ... You always made me laugh. You are missed by a lot of people.

From a friend,
E-mail address is not available.

19 Sep 2007

Corporal Thompson was a good man. I was with him in Nam. I was there with him and Lance Corporal Coin at the time of the tragic incident which clamed their lives.

I will always have these brave men in my memory and my heart.

Semper Fidelis
from a USMC brother and friend,
Dennis A. Wilmoth

25 Nov 2007

Larry was a Port Richmond High School friend. Larry had a great voice and loved to sing. We all sang together many times. Larry was a great guy. Rest in peace, friend.

From his friends in the
"Five Dates" vocal group
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 7th Marines lost three men in two separate incidents on 10 June 1967. The 7th Marines' Intelligence Summary (INTSUM NR 161) covering the period 100800H to 110800 June 1967 identifies both incidents in the entries below (they have been "translated" for readability).

The first killed two men from HQ Company:

"1410H, 10 June: HQ Company squad working party improving the perimeter defensive wire tripped an antipersonnel mine of unknown type resulting in one Marine killed, one Marine who died of wounds, and two Marines wounded but not requiring evacuation."
The two men were Cpl Lawrence C. Thompson of New York City and LCpl Gregory C. Coin of Detroit, Michigan.

The second incident involved Golf Company:

"1905H, 10 June: Golf Company squad at grid coordinates AT894836 returning from patrol. Marine dropped an unidentified grenade which had been found earlier. Grenade detonated resulting in one Marine killed and 4 Marines wounded (3 evacuated)."
The Marine killed in the accident was LCpl Milton H. Thomas of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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