Richard Gary Thibault
Specialist Five
Army of the United States
Blaine, Washington
January 30, 1945 to August 20, 1967
RICHARD G THIBAULT is on the Wall at Panel 25E, Line 21
See the full profile or name rubbing for Richard Thibault


02 Oct 2001

"To live in the hearts we leave behind,
is never to have died."
(Thomas Campbell, circa 1888)

Crew Chief SP5 Richard Gary Thibault died in the crash of his UH-1C HUEY helicopter (hull number 65-09508).

From his brother,
D. J. Thibault
E-mail address is not available.

05 Dec 2006

I served with Thibault in 1967. I knew both Warrant Officer pilots. After they got out of the hospital they told me that the stabilizer bar either broke off or was shot off the rotor mast causing the main rotor to sever the tail boom.

The pilots' compartment separated from the rest of the airframe and landed in a tree with the pilots still strapped in their seats. The rest of the helicopter crashed nearby. I believe there was at least one other survivor who was severely injured.

From a comrade in arms.
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

There were five men aboard UH-1C tail number 65-09508 when it went down:
  • CW3 F. N. Heredia, pilot;
  • CW3 P. D. Leonard, copilot;
  • SP5 R. A. Thibault, crew chief;
  • SP4 S. T. Hard; gunner; and
  • CW3 C. E. Larkin, passenger.
The other four men survived their injuries.

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