Refugio Thomas Teran
Staff Sergeant
Army of the United States
Westland, Michigan
May 08, 1949 to September 29, 1978
(Incident Date May 06, 1970)
REFUGIO T TERAN is on the Wall at Panel W11, Line 117
See the full profile or name rubbing for Refugio Teran

Refugio T Teran
usarv.gif 101abnsm.jpg 501infrgt.gif

11 Dec 2000

A memorial from one who wears his MIA bracelet.

Wes Cannon
North Georgia College and State University
The Military College of Georgia

28 Sep 2004


whose MIA bracelet I wear,
Bryan Lyn McClellan

03 Jun 2005

I am from Westland, Michigan - "Tom's" hometown. On July 4, 2001, at a POW/MIA ceremony at city hall, I had the great fortune of meeting his mother. At that time I gave her the POW/MIA bracelet I had purchased in Washington, DC, and had been wearing for more than 10 years - it had his name on it. I felt that may bring him home, and it did ... not even a year later!

Denise Schlotz
E-mail address is not available.

27 Jul 2006

I also wore his bracelet in the '70s and have never forgotten, nor will I forget, his name. Refugio Teran. Count me as one who remembers a man she never met, who fought in a war, and was missing in action. Much love to his family.

E-mail address is not available.

28 Sep 2006

I am 34 years old and my mother gave me Tom's bracelet that she had in the 70's. My heart is with his family!

Christine Thomas

20 Mar 2007

I knew Tom Teran's girlfriend at the time he was in Viet Nam, her name was Laureen G. I remember she showed us (her high school classmates) pictures of him standing in front of a waterfall in the jungle. And I also remember the day she got the news of his loss as an MIA... As I was walking home from Cherry Hill High School in Inkster, Michigan, she stopped and told me about him being missing after a battle, and she was crying her eyes out. I felt so bad for her and his family.

I have kept track of him all these years, and our hearts go out to his family.

I am a retired Police Officer now, and I would like to say hello to Laureen G. and let her know that we still feel her loss, even after all these years.

From a friend,
D. V. Moore
E-mail address is not available.

11 Apr 2007

I used to wear SSG Teran's bracelet. Once several years ago during the holiday season, I was in a shopping mall buying a gift, when the woman at the register (late 40's, early 50's) noticed it. She smiled and made the comment, "I haven't seen one of those in years. I didn't know anybody still wore them." I was a little taken aback by her comment, and by her age, I assumed she must have been a teenager in the early 70's. I don't think she meant any harm or disrespect, but I answered her by saying, "He's still missing." I'm wasn't sure at that moment what emotion I had triggered, but her smile melted away as a tear rolled down her cheek. She looked down at the counter, reached out and touched my hand with the bracelet, and said in a whisper "So is my brother, it's good to see people remember." It was later that year that I discovered Tom's remains had been found and returned home; what a blessing.

I've had the great honor of commanding young soldiers in training, and I used to describe the Army value of Selfless Service to the them by telling his story. Though he is gone, his memory is still alive, and I, for one, will not forget.

From a fellow soldier.
E-mail address is not available.

14 May 2007

I received a bracelet with his name on it shortly after he went missing. I am also from Michigan. I am sorry it took this many years to finally find closure. I searched diligently for his name in the paper as they told us to. My prayers are with his family.

E-mail address is not available.

16 Jun 2007

I am from Jacksonville Florida and am now 51 years old. I first began wearing Tom's bracelet in 1972 in the 10th grade and continued wearing it for several years afterward. I was always hopeful he would one day return home safely.

Thank you for your service and sacrifice, Tom. As the son of an Air Force Lt. Colonel myself, I offer my belated condolences to the family. May he rest in peace forever.

Rick Whitney


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 06 May 1970 Fire Support Base Henderson, about 9 nautical miles south-southwest of Camp Carroll, was occupied by elements of the 2nd Battalion, 501st Infantry, and the 2nd Battalion, 11th Artillery. FSB Henderson came under attack, first by heavy mortar fire, then assault by a North Vietnamese Army battalion. When Henderson was relieved 24 American servicemen were dead and two were missing. SP4 Refugio Teran of E Company 2/501st, was one of the MIAs; the other was PFC Larry G. Kier of A Company.

As time progressed, both men were promoted in MIA status, and eventually were declared dead. On 13 June 1996 their remains were repatriated, and positive identification publicly announced on 28 Feb 2002.

Most accounts of the fight at FSB Henderson say 32 Americans were killed in the action. There were 34 Americans killed in Quang Tri Province on 06 May - the 26 known to be at FSB Henderson, seven who died when two UH-1H helicopters collided, and a MACV Advisor. The last eight cannot be positively associated with the action at FSB Henderson.

FORMER MIAS LAID TO REST - Spc. Refugio Teran and Pfc. Larry Kier, both listed as missing in action from the Vietnam War 32 years ago, were laid to rest in Arlington Cemetery on April 19.

Both soldiers were members of the 101st Airborne Division stationed at Fire Support Base Henderson in Quang Tri province in South Vietnam. When their base was overrun on May 6, 1970, only Teran and Kier were unaccounted for of the 32 Americans killed. Their bodies were discovered in 1993 and sent to the U.S. Army's Central Identification Laboratory in Hawaii where they were identified. The families were informed on January 15, 2002.

From ARMY Magazine, June 2002

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