Daniel Cline Tedrow
United States Marine Corps
Mullan, Idaho
February 03, 1948 to November 27, 1968
DANIEL C TEDROW is on the Wall at Panel W38, Line 79
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Combat Action Ribbon
Daniel C Tedrow
3rdmaf.gif 1mardiv.gif 26thmarines.gif

24 Jul 2006

In memory of my brother,
May you rest in peace, Bucko.
We love and miss you!

From his sister,
Judy Tedrow Metzker

17 Oct 2007

He was born on a cold February night in Wallace, Idaho. When Mama and Daddy brought him home to our house in Mullan a week or so later, they laid him in a baby bed in the living room. We all looked down at him in wonder. Our older brother, Kenny, was surprised at the size of him and said, "He's sure a big Bucko, isn't he?" His given name was Daniel Cline Tedrow but from then on he was "Bucko" to us and to everyone else in that town. He tried to change it to Dan when he was a teen, but it didn't work.

He was a darling little boy with blonde hair and brown eyes. His hair was actually light brown but when he was in the sun all summer, it would turn a spun gold color. His skin was olive and that same sunshine would turn him a deep bronze. Mom would yell at him to go wash his neck and after he did, she'd yell at him again. Then she'd scrub it herself until his neck was red, but as soon as the irritation left, he'd look dirty again. He was a good kid with a constant smile. He was also very mischievous and would tease and pester till he got into trouble, which was often.

From the time he was little he would play "Army". He had toy or imaginary guns and little green plastic men that he would play with for hours, either outside or under the house if it was hot or raining. I guess we should have known that he'd end up in the service some day.

Our father was a fisherman and so was Bucko from the time he learned to cast off. He spent most of his summers at the city swimming pool or at the local fishing holes. As a teenager neither he nor his friends thought anything of hiking up in the mountains for hours to a favorite fishing hole only to fish for an hour and a half and then head back home again. As one friend put it, "We never knew how many miles we put on the old shoes together, but I never regretted it a bit. While we were out there in the dingle berries we have been wet, dry, cold, and hot, but we always had a ball!" He and a friend got a "little lost" one time and Mom called the Sheriff. Just as the police were ready to go out looking for them, they came dragging in out of the woods.

In some ways he was a loner. We didn't have much back in those days. We lived in a tiny two-bedroom house. There were six of us, and sometimes more when the older kids came home to visit or stay for a while. Most of the time Bucko was the only boy and he hated having to sleep in the same room as us girls. We had an old electric stove that had legs and in the winter he would roll out a sleeping bag under the stove and that was his place. In the summer he would put a cot out in the woodshed and sleep out there. Sometimes he'd have his fishing gear ready, wake up in the morning and off he'd go, without ever having to disturb the rest of the household. He was happier out in the shed than in the house.

Bucko had a lot of friends and was voted "Best Personality" his senior year in high school. All the girls said he was the nicest guy and the guys called him friend. He would do anything for anyone and be truly appreciated for who and what he was. He had a dream of returning from Vietnam and buying The Last Chance, an old roadhouse just outside of town. He would have made a great innkeeper. He had a perfect personality for it!

He served a year in Vietnam, and then came home for a short time. While he was there, he became engaged to a lovely young lady that he had known in school. Of course, he didn't want to go back, but he had signed up for another tour. He was only in Vietnam the second time for six weeks when he died. He's buried in Mountain View Cemetery on the hill above Mullan. There were no plots available in the Veteran's Section at the time so they buried him in the grassy walkway next to our father, Edwin Tedrow, who served in WWI.

There's a memorial for Bucko on the old John Mullan Statue in Mullan, Idaho. He was the only person ever killed in action from Mullan. The Silver Valley Veterans Committee, made up of Veterans of the Silver Valley in Northern Idaho, are constructing a memorial in Kellogg to honor all honorably discharged veterans who lived or are currently living in the Silver Valley. The memorial is for all veterans, from all branches of service, regardless of wartime service. Their web site can be found at http://svvetsmemorial.vfw1675.org/index.html

Barbara and I have entered Bucko's name and picture to be added to that memorial.

We'd like to take this opportunity to invite Bucko's friends, classmates, and those who knew him in the Marines, to add whatever they'd like about him. (We also don't have many pictures.) We wish there was more we could tell about Bucko! He's been gone for so long and now that we're older, the memories are fading. All we can say is that he was a wonderful brother!

Judy & Barbara

26 Jul 2006

Buck, you will always be remembered by myself and my family. Robert and Daniel (who was named for you) have been told about you all of their lives, they miss you and love you. Remember the letter that you wrote to them when they were just babies about guns and playing war. I wish you hadn't "played at war", but we can't live with what might have been, but have to live life as it comes to us. I look forward to the day that we can hug and dance together in heaven with our Lord watching. I'll love you forever, your sister, Barbara

From his sister,
Barbara Tedrow Baillie
P. O. Box 375, Osburn, Idaho 83849

27 Aug 2006

I want to say a few special words to a very special person - The good Lord had you in all of our lives and we are blessed to have known you - though time has passed on, memories never leave us - we keep you in our hearts at all times - may we especially thank you for serving our country and keeping us safe - you made a a grand difference for all and will always be remembered for the unselfish acts you performed - Be at peace now, our special friend, as you are still with us in our hearts - God bless you and God bless the USA.

From a friend,


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 1/26 Marines' Command Chronology for Nov 1968 contains the following entry:
"27 Nov 68: A3-3 received 6 rounds of 60mm incoming [mortar fire]. A reaction force was sent out and ran into an enemy automatic weapons position. One Marine was KIA in the initial contact. Another force was sent to assist and another Marine was KIA. Reaction force could not get in position to assault [without sustaining additional casualties] and were pulled back because of darkness and terrain. Position attacked in the morning with NGF [Naval gun fire], Arty, Air, and overrun. Results: 3 USMC KIA, misc gear and demolitions captured."
The three Marines killed in the action were

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